Find and Fuck Adele
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Comments (1099)
Haha… love someones comment about Where`s Waldo! nice one! it`s great to play these old ones and see how far the new ones have come.
sun glasses difficult to find
It`s an okay game, but maybe a longer time is nice, still good though.
Boring Game, won`t play again
Adele is hot but could use more choices of women and but overall its a good game with good graphics
hide and seek is fun, but that mouse shaking mini game at the end is a little annoying.
well be good to have more girls in this game
Girl makes you want to complete game and gets your attention.
fun game, but some of the items are harder to find, eg sunglasses
wow that was lame, nohing to it
very very nice game. adele is hawt
Had more fun looking through a where`s Waldo book.
Liked the game OK, would like to have a few more levels.
could be more interesting with many levels
Nice game with a hot girl but it should be longer
Great model, search area is small and crowded making it very difficult to identify items.
this is a fun fast paced game, two thing would make it more enjoyable, a photo album to see he pics after completeion and a large screen is a must cuz some its blend to well in the small screens
Challenging but not very rewarding
That game is too bored but nice pics.
stupid gameplay, nice pics but all in all its ok
simple and easy to play. it`s a good game.
A little too simple to play
took me a while to find everything, too much graphics on the screen
Very good game, excelent graphics
its realllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy borrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!
Too short, too easy, but she is great!
Challenging game but worth it in the end.
Very simple game, but a nice girl to play
okay game have played much better ones
Not so easy at first…. But items are always at same place…
A 2sec bonus time to look at the chick would be appreciated!
Took a couple of tries to get the hang of it. Pretty lady.
Some of the objects are, like, v. hard to find, but i guess mayb that`s the point
Nice game but not very creative in my opinion
Very short, it could be more comprehensive.
Short but fun and simple… I liked this one as well
Unexpected sex at the end of the game)
This is a difficult game only because the picture window is very small.
not to bad if you like searching games
Game window needs to be bigger as objects are hard to see.
easy when you know where 2 look
its an o.k game,needs work
little bit short and easy
new to the site…but must be an early game because graphics and skills and gameplay have gotten much better with time…
Pretty ridiculous, very difficult to see all of the items
quite short game, finished on second try.
The game should offer more levels than this.
great game. amazing graphics. love to play you will want to play all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
very fun game, best hide and seek i`ve ever seen
game should be a bit more lengthy and hard
Interesting a bit hard, the rewards could be better. The picture is small and quite difficult to make out the items.
Good Game…girl on girl…even better