Find and Fuck Adele
Game rating
Comments (1099)
i like these games the picture coulf be a little bigger though but not bad 7 out of 10 for a little fun 5 mins
ok good graphics could of been better
a little funny, but “oldfashioned”
dont like it – you dont really get chance to look at the girl stripping due to the time limit, and the pay off at the end is WEAK
The game was alright…not the best game on here tho for sure but a good game in it`s own right
really easy, advice to others: if you don`t see it almost immediately use your hints, some of the things just don`t look like what they`re supposed to be, easiest way to win
game was easy graphics were good last scene was a let down
The game was too easy and the scene at the end was kind of lame.
too easy poor ending wouldn`t play it again
excellent point and click game, beautiful model and good animated ending, difficulty is raised bu the small sceen however
Hidden picture with a special bonus prize…yeeeaaahh!!
Nice game .. with confusing arrangement of objects…
I actually wish there were more games like this on this site.
Very easy game and boring.
good game, although somewhat easy
Fun. Excellent pics and encouragements along the way.
lot harder than it initially looked, nice extra at the end too
not a very intresting game
Well that was pretty easy. Good short one
easssy game but time is ticking.
this is great game and i like it…
nice game,think I`ve seen the model before
Even if you cannot find all items the first time, they still remain at the same place for the next games, so it doesn`t take a lot a tries to get it done. Very bad ending though… Not worth playing
Ok game, don`t like time limits.
Entertaining but a bit rush rush.
Easy game and nice model. Need more models to be interesting.
not bad. need more models
Too easy. Pretty boring.
Good Game, nice little filler
too easy…i think my grandma can win this….
This game is pretty good, the girl is hot, pretty bad sex scene though
Nice game…gets a bit difficult at times though.
could be a lot better. Maybe different girls will help
The game is very easy. Not really that fun at all.
With a bit more work it has potential though.
funny and easy game
good for a little moment
Gimme more of these hot girls and more games to play!
love to see more of these games with different girls.
Good game. Much easier if you play twice.
lady is hot but very simple game…hope for more option
wish the game could of been more challenging
lady is hot but very simple game.. thumbs up
this girl is so hot i like this game| a lot
not funny game and poor graphics
it was alright needs a bit more and it was hard to see the pictures but overrall it was a game that made time fly
did not find it hard to get the stuff that was needed
liked the game, adele is hot
The girl is very hot! The picture is hard to see and find a few items in. But a nice take on find and seek games.
A little short but still fun
not bad but too small window
So easy, and with a babe so hot?