Find and Fuck Adele
Game rating
Comments (1099)
pretty game with pretty girl,easy but nice
Finished it in about 30 seconds, not a very difficult game to play, or good for that matter.
Too simple.
Way too easy to finish.
it is so difficute, it is so hard
Like hidden object games. This is simple. Would like to be able to do more with such an attractive girl.
very nice game it`s hard to find things
It is alright, pretty easy
Nice game but could use more picture
Girl is very attractive but could have done a lot more with this one
Like the format, nice model, bad animation
The opportunities for more action have been missed, But ok anyway
boring game without much action
kind of pretty game but too short 😉
I liked it. A little to short and simple.
Game play is ok, but honestly could use a little more. It is just pictures for finding items in the picture. I donlt believe the picture changes, so replayability isn`t great, especially if you found the items and won the first time through.
too short but very enjoyable
I`m a big fan of hidden object games, but this is just to short. Other than that it`s a good little game.
Okey game but not that funny
good game is nice
i got to see her pu—-
it`s a nice enough concept but it`s so short, even a second photoset would be a start
some things are hard to find
Nice to have a quick play at. The hits are very useful, made me `finish` in one time.
nice game but too short
it`s a nice game, but a little too short
Ok game play for a f and f
Fun game, for a short while. Its abit challenging which is fun… 2 bad its almost the same every time u play it.
You are so busy finding the objects that you don`t have the time to look at the beautiful girl stripping… So it`s either “play or watch”.
with the tab cheat, it`s a very easy game
Not bad but lol at the sex at the end!!!
more of a quick time waster
Easy game, but not all objects are very clear
not very difficult, but okey game
fun game not too changlening
it is too easy but fine
too hard to find objects as graphics aint clear enoug
average at best
its hard but fun too bad they dont make this anymore
This game is hard
without hints it would be even more difficult
This gets my brain working 🙂
think its a good passtime, nothing unusual or great about it!
Decent. A little more challenging.
Not a great game, but like that you can`t just click everywhere to solve it, makes it a little more challenging.
Didn`t care much for this one. With the time limit, it wasn`t easy to enjoy the pictures. Plus the mouse shaking at the end was annoying
not bad , the number of clicks should be limited
would love to see more of these games with different girls.
I love the girl but i want it to be more interactive rather tan find and click, of course its worthwide just so see the pics
pretty boring point and click type of game
Some of the objects are, like, v. hard to find, but i guess mayb that`s the point