Fetish Fun Time
Game rating
Comments (33)
This game can`t be exciting, low quality, and too much inreal
pretty boring and pointless
not worth playing it gets boring and the graphics are ok
the graphics to me are lame, not a lot of game play could be a lot better.
probably the worst game i have ever played.. not even joking..
Not really much to it. Wish there was more I could do to him.
not worth playing lost intrest to quick
very bad game not worth playing
Boored game , lost interest quick.
Not really fun. Wish you could do something with the girl though
not much of a game,looks like a first attempt
Not my kind of scene, kinda scene but funish. Can`t think of something done to improve it. I would like a woman getting whipped heh.
its ok to kill some time, not really erotic or kinky enough
the game was poor not my cup of tea.
now that was funny but not really sexy
anoying music no real plot and u get eaily bored of the game
hot and sexy game like it tooo much
not a real point to it bad game
another bad game. not much to do in it.
Good for comic humour. Not really a game tho`
boring bad grafic game….
short time of fun or something like that
i did not like any part of this game. this was more like a joke then anything else.
stupid and uselles game – no fun
bleah!!! hugly game. bleah!!!
I liked the game. Maybe the next iteration could have more ballbusting please. 🙂
Nice little game, but he seem to be unfinished, or a demo…
this game is a waste of time
OK but should definitely be expanded
Nice attempt at a playable game but it does lack in certain areas.
Would have been better if it had an ending and more than just a few options
a bad game i dont like fetichism
its ok but i would have recomended that u make it and adventure game
This was a really funny game to play, simple but at the same time very expressive, i love BDSM!
Meh. Just a few things to click on, and none of them particularly entertaining. It`s a shame – there aren`t enough fetish-based games here. We could really use some better ones than this.
some interactive spots but not very entertaining
Could have been great but the options are terrible.
kind of crazy but cool anyway
Not a very good game. Too simple and the rewards aren`t worth the effort.
wow nice one !!!! i would like to be her
Very simple and kinda ok.
lol,funny,dont understand how not getting caught gets him laid tho:P
It was an ok game but i dont get the point in it lol
would have been a lot better if it had an ending and more than just a few options
stupid and uselles game – no fun
ha ha this funny game… but is to short
hots girls makes this game superb
wee bit on the boring side…
nothing very nice game 2 to 3 minutes maximun of playing
silly way to waste 3 or 4 minutes