Fate Sex Night
Game rating
Comments (58)
sexy game and desires me to get people to my bed…… awesome graphics and animation is cool too
It was boooring, it´s sample but it takes much effort
This is a fun game. I like all the puzzles.
Nice game, good graphics, just that it needs a lof of effort to progress.
Great job tho, thumbs up 😉
fun game liked the mini games
it`s has been a long time since i had to fight a game, not to bad
Great game but slightly short. if only it was longer!
I deifintely don`t like that manga-stuff. And there is no challenge, too.
wow this game was the best awesome gameplay
Nice looking game. i like it
Not to bad of a game. I found some humor in it. Loved the confusion on his face at the beginning.
game was alot of boredom.
Nice looking new game, IT WAS FUN.
this game is really awesome.. love it
That`s a nice new game, sexy and funny.
For those struggling with the mazes, you can right click, hover over the goal and then left click to easily solve.
Nice animation. Still, it takes really lots of efforts to enjoy it.
Not bad, it is another form of gambling but for the same purpose which is to give pleasure to the girl, but rather mini-games related to the plot of sex, not solve that kind of mazes.
it s not my sort of type games
For me, this game wasn`t even exciting…
well at least its not it has greater window span for hiting the buttons some other games are realy strict and almost imposible to play but stil arturia as a calgirl 🙂
Crazy random fun. guideline puzzles can get a little annoying but on the whole quite entertaining
the maze portions are pretty easy on a laptop but you have to have a lot of patience.
Sexy character but too much effort and time to enjoy her
Nice Gaming. Hot Babe. PErfect 4 short breaks at work 😉
het is wel een oke game beetje langdradig met de maze games maar overal wel oke om te spelen tochspeel ik liever de 3d games
Can`t go wrong with M-n-F. Nice one.
Nice one, love the maze game
The “maze” aspect of the game is not fun on a laptop.
Fun, light hearted game. Some different controls which seem quite interesting
This is actually just kind of a fun, simple game. Hot girl, decent sex scenes. I always prefer stuff with lesbian action, but this was kind of fun. More like this. But with the lesbians.
it s not my sort of type games, not good
fun and but i had a little trouble with te mouse parts
I enjoy it, the “stoyline” could be better
waste of time.. storyline is non existing and pretty much the same goes for gameplay.. all and all.. not really worth the few minutes it takes to play it through.
O.K. game. Good for killing a little time.
Much more effort than it was worth
it s not my sort of type games
Nice looking new game, liked it.
nice looking game and the mechanics were nice
not a huge fan of arcade games that have nothing to do with what`s happening, but I liked this one anyway.
Great effort. easy gameplay. overall 7/10
i want to be her master too XD
it did implore tactics I don`t typically utilize in others sex games, although it could definitely be improved, I did like that deviation from other play styles that pre-dominate sites throughout. Perhaps responsive input and more correlation between girl and game could be implemented.
on a side note… How can a guy get a chick that easily and yet his view om sex is practically puzzled
no pun untended
Good for an arcade game.
A bit easy maybe. Let´s see what Comes next.
Annoying and frustrating game. I dont like it.
Ridiculously dumb. Too much work for too little of a payoff.
Now this is one frustrating game. 🙁
Pretty stupid – although the “riddles” are OK.
Ok game. I like the new mini games but needs more stiory. I gave it 52/100