Elven Fantasy

Game rating 82.70%
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Comments 214

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Comments (214)

  • avatar

    Not very long, and I don`t think the fight scenes added much to it. But graphics were good as always.

  • avatar

    Fight scenes were interesting and added a different touch to the game. Nice artwork as always. After you get past the standard text screens though, it seemed short as the more times one plays, you tend to just click though those. Nice effort though.

  • avatar

    Amazing game!!! Great Quality of Graphics

  • avatar

    a very great game, i wanna play it more

  • avatar

    i hate trying to find the right spot when you have to shake the mouse around

  • avatar

    very nice game with elements of FRP

  • avatar

    Good game, the graphics brought me to it

  • avatar

    i hate it if i must reload to play again

  • avatar

    Good game, the graphics brought me to it, but the story needs work. It was hard to keep interested.

  • avatar

    Great twist of building a storyline beyond just sex. Ever thought about a voice over to give the games an even more interactive feel,

  • avatar

    Good graphics but story and gameplay could be better.

  • avatar

    beautifull graphic, but the game is not so good

  • avatar

    Not a very good story line in my opionion but okay

  • avatar

    Another great game with good graphics and a average story line. I enjoyed playing.

  • avatar

    looks nice but me personaly i dont like the fighting it tooks too many time and its booring

  • avatar

    Good graphics but not very good story and gameplay.

  • avatar

    the game have came up with a new and nice storyline, however the sex scenes could have been more and that the story could added some more spice at the ending.
    but managed to get all the endings.

  • avatar

    Amazing game!!! Great Quality of Graphics

  • avatar

    Bit too “out there” for my liking.

  • avatar

    Rubbish story, mediocre graphics and tedious sex scenes. It seems very little effort went into this game. Leonizer usually produces better than this.

  • avatar

    I have to agree with a lot of the other comments. Although the pictures are great, there is really not many choices, and it is way to short.

  • avatar

    Great graphics but the story is not easy to play.

  • avatar

    So I ran the Flash file through a decompiler and confirmed it – ending 3 is definitely attained by beating Corin. Doesn`t end well for you, though…

  • avatar

    Amazing game!!! Great Quality of Graphics

  • avatar

    An interesting experiment, but leave the Swords&Sorcery to those who specialize in it and focus on eroticism, please.

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