Diva Mizuki Hawaiian
Game rating
Comments (658)
Well, not much to it really, but nice animations and images. Glad it was in english too.
good game overall but needs more to play with
graphics and animation awesome ! really good work 🙂
Nice grafic but it is boring
Best game I played so far. I loved the story
not bad but it`s more like a graphic novel then a game. mostly just clicking next all the time
wow the ass is hot make want have sexb y look at her ass sexyyyyyy
nice animation and fun to see…
n funny when da octopus also came….
Decent enough game, bit too much clicking though could have just made it a movie clip.
An ok game, being better than some other diva games being at least in english. But her getting raped by an octopus?… Weird
Funny game actually, seeing an Octopus get it on with her. Seemed less like a game and more like an interactive click flash type animated movie. Great design for originality and artwork, however the downside is the overall interaction is reduced to a minimum. Amazing that it was not in Japanese or what have you like most of those types of so called games.
Love the huge tits but no sounds and not really interactive, would have made an okay movie if you didnt have to keep clicking next
now that was fun, any more
you must find more adventures of diva mizuki
kind of hoping for an actual game, not just clicking next
wow another one of diva mizuki series, i really love those games have nice boobs
Good game. But dont like the drawings, to amateurish for me. And no sounds. 🙁
the octopuss part was strange and it talked
I know i`d love to suck that milk
amazing game such huge tits
Very hot and longer than I expected
very good graphics and gameplay
Not the best offering on PF1, but certainly some hot boob shots.
Nice graphics but the prblem is that the interaction is too less. It`s like a short movie. Might as well just play the whole movie instead of having people clicking next because frankly, that`s all you will be doing in this game.
great game but need some sounds
could be realy good game with lot more options , but over all nice lil toon.
Awesome game, animated like it, hugh boobs and hot girls too.
haha its like naruto porn
this is a must have for all hentai fans!!
sound would greatly improve this game, but its good none the less
pretty funny, needs sound though
the guy at the start is hilarious!
more like a short story but it was good and kinda funny story…
great game never get fed up playing them
A good cartoon-game, but I love the poor octopus, i`m sorry he have lost the opportunity…
OMG , i love this immense boooobs!!!!!!!
this game was good it was a story but i still enjoyed it
really weak game not worth the time
hmmmm.this game is so good.
more a story than a game, but hot babes, so who can complain
the guy at the start is hilarious!
wow very great games big boobs i love it!!!!!
Quite interesting, and easy to play.
one of the best “games” more like a comic though
Awesome !!! I love the grapichs !
little game about it, its a story without options, boring , the only plus is the plus sized tits in it
im still not 100% on theese games, a few kinks need to be worked out,
massive tits tho!!!!!!!!!
Wish it was interactive, but well done.
I wish I could play this game
very nice diva mizukis tits are awesome