Dirty pictures

Game rating 84.60%
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Comments 1703

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Comments (1703)

  • avatar

    first of all: Great game with nice models, lots of erotic scenes and nice endings and different ways good story as well.

    Bad things: Endings are to short, may be create the endings with a little gameplay as well. In the maingame you have sex every time with your wife, this gets a little boring if you are looking for different endings. A solution could be that you make the sex scene a bit short and insert an other szene later. Or you make 2 or 3 Ways clear in the gameplay and make different sex scenes in the later gameplay.

    Got Ending 2, 3, 4 and 5 don`t know Ending 1

  • avatar

    very goood game! leon u r one of the best! keep doing them!

  • avatar

    great game but only managed 2 endings

  • avatar

    Great game. Alice was hot.. like the change in this game that you do not have to move your mouse constantly to fuck…

  • avatar

    I`m waiting someone put the solutions, because I arrive only the second ending…

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  • avatar

    great game but u have to get everything right and you have to have sex with your wife. it is boring if your looking for other endings

  • avatar

    cant figure out how to perform oral on this gal

  • avatar

    I liked the game, nice beautiful pictures, classy with a surprising touch of joy and originality in it.

  • avatar

    it was a good game rly addictive

  • avatar

    i got all 5 ending it is a good game keep them coming leon

  • avatar

    Good Game! It was hard to finish but the ending was well worth the wait.

  • avatar

    Another excellent game from Leon et al. Once I figured out the “desired pace” play, I decided I quite liked it. Beautiful women, good story line, good game play. Thanks, Leon, keep `em coming!

  • avatar

    Can you tell me how to finish ending 5?

  • avatar

    Very good game, pretty excited, but with predictive story, good animation, but could be more interesting with more interactive scenes

  • avatar

    Fun game. All five endings were pretty easy to figure out though. Good game all in all.

  • avatar

    great game . Found 2 endings so far.

  • avatar

    found endings 2 and 4. three to go.

  • avatar

    interesting game, but the endings are tricky

  • avatar

    Love it…I`ve gotten 3 endings:

    -Sex with random girl in alley
    -Vacation with Alice
    -Married to Lisa

  • avatar

    NIce graphics and a good storyline.

  • avatar

    Have anyone having found the fifth ending guide me how to,please?

  • avatar

    being caught in the bar and random girl after be refused

  • avatar

    it`s an awesome game…..i only had 2 endings:
    1-diego and lisa married
    2-diego and alice go on vacation and alice`s husband commit suicide
    can anyone tell me how to get the other 3 endings?

  • avatar

    how to know which ending is it, is this game really have 5 ending?

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