Dirty pictures

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Comments (1703)

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    One of my favourites, already added into my list… I like the girl…She`s hot

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    ladyarrows 2010.11.20

    Passion Hotel

    High school romance

    Forced Strip – Up The Wahzoo

    ladyarrows 2010.11.20
    WARNING: This website contains explicit adult material. You may only use this Website if you are at least 18 years of age, or at least the age of majority in the jurisdiction where you reside or from which you access this Website. If you do not meet these requirements, then you do not have permission to use the Website.

    ladyarrows 2010.11.20

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    androsjy 2010.11.20
    Nice but not best, a sequels ?

    androsjy 2010.11.20
    1st ending: Choose to get your gun discreetly when in talk with Rage

    2nd ending: Buy a beer for the oldman ( 2nd visit ) to enter The Hole using pass, when U can`t get in at the first try.

    3rd ending: Get the ring from Rage & don`t take advantage of her ( avoid sex with her ) Talk to Melinda and she will notice the ring, she will then take you into the club.

    andy_regresa 2010.11.20
    Vert good story and wonderful graphics. Nice game

    adrianonn 2010.11.20
    Wow, its a lovely game. Thumbs up for the makers of the game!

    az89 2010.11.20
    how to get the fix me f@#k me picture? anyone knows how to get it?

    ehlerion 2010.11.20
    Actually a suprisingly good quality game. I just think that if it was slightly longer/more variety/even control, it would be super!

    az89 2010.11.20
    got all the ending. nice quality. the question is, is it the girl she`s looking for is her daughter that supposed to be dead?

    jerfo 2010.11.20
    great game these games are high quality
    little to much text to read it all tho 😛

    gwmill 2010.11.20
    Nice graphics and good storyline. Needed some help to get all the achievements, thanks to those who helped.

    freakyfarmboy 2010.11.20
    Wow! Very good game, got all three endings and can`t wait to watch this thing evolve. `Great work” to all those involved in this game!

    Thernielle 2010.11.20
    A VERY good game, it has an atmosphere, an interesting story and nice graphics. The idea would sorth a cyberpunk movie or a “bigger” game 🙂
    Looking forward the following episodes, hopefully we`re going to get them!

    Kirdran 2010.11.20
    Nice game – this time in sf or cyberpunk climate. Interesting story – especially when it will be continued. Good character creation (not only main hero but also all that can be met in the game).
    2 bugs – the objective is the speed of changing the dialogs. Someone before said that talks were too long – agree but not in case of the amount of script (can better understand the situation, the plot etc.) but the fact that the skipping were too slow. If you play the game first time it is no visible, but when want to get achiv or sth else and you need to wait until the “speech” is performed by the characters – that is irritating! Speed up it a bit!
    Second bug is more subjective – why have I this bad luck that I can`t have sex with interesting (and beautiful) minor characters like Fixer (know that is an achvi, but no sex) or Blanca (I love Laura game).
    Normally I don`t like sex stories that are such gloomy and dark, but generally is a very good game, a game that aspires to be something better than typical sex game. I`am waiting impatiently to see the rest of the story.

    clouseau 2010.11.20
    Absolutely loved it! Brilliant story, beautiful characters. I can`t wait to see more of this story. I have always wondered why nobody makes great erotic stories. It always either great story without any erotic feel to it, or silly sex games. But finally it is here. Thank you!

    Jason37 2010.11.20
    Cool game great graphics

    conbron 2010.11.20
    3rd ending: I can not come in in the club … What´s wrong???

    conbron 2010.11.20
    In the 2nd end: what pass should I use?
    It ends with the death of the bouncer and Melidina… I can not come in in the club …

    conbron 2010.11.20
    Very unusual story. Very good graphics. Leather very brief sex scenes.
    I can not find the end of 1 …

    Iceswords 2010.11.20
    1st ending: Try to get your gun when in talk with Rage
    2nd ending: Try to enter The Hole using pass
    3rd ending: Talk to Melinda and she will notice the ring, she will then take you into the club.

    royro2010 2010.11.20
    Had fun with the game, nice graphic

    iggi3132 2010.11.20
    Nice game and graphics. The story are a bit too long.

    lughbelenos 2010.11.20
    Good storyline, graphics well done and original, gameplay long at times

    golfbot 2010.11.20
    Not one of the better games. Too much talking for the amount of action you get. Graphics are good and girls are hot but you have to do way too much talking for minimal reward.

    alei 2010.11.20
    Great game, nice graphics, good story!!!

    Immortalking 2010.11.20
    Alright, I managed to get all the achievements;

    Cy Loves You Dude – Just be nice to her at start
    Talking with a Tin Can – When Jas first enters, try talking to her droid.
    One of Your Whores – Sleep with Jas
    Beauty and the Beast – Seems to be just talking with Brute/Mistress.
    Fix Me/Fuck Me – Get the junkie the red pills from the female fixer outside the bar.
    I Just Love Shiny Things – Have sex with [Is it perky is her name?]. To do this, keep trying to talk to the women inside the bar with the bodyguard. Takes 4+ times before she`ll talk to you. Take her case and then go outside and talk to [Perky?].
    Banging with Furry- This one deals with Rage. I took the friend of/customer/lower your gun choices + sex with Rage to get this one.
    I Came here for Answers- 3rd Ending/Sex with Melidina. Dont have sex with Rage, get her ring, go outside “the Hole” then talk with the women in red [Melidina].

    Iceberg 2010.11.20
    I didn`t Sleep with rage,But i got Ending two again,so it`s not the solution.How to get the third?

    Iceberg 2010.11.20
    I`ve got Endings One(1) and Two(2).First with pulling my gun when talking to rage and second with Leading the Corporate to the hole,Has anyone gotten the third?how?

    psycho72 2010.11.19
    managed two endings
    being shot and finding her but she gets taken

    gabor1 2010.11.19
    To ending 2 go first to up, where Rage will be. Reach enter there, fuck her. Then go down and talk with the old man in the bar and rent him a booze (drink). Then go to Hole, speak, check the two ppl there and the entrance sometimes.

    wildtony 2010.11.19
    How Do you get into the “Hole” Club??

    mocha12345 2010.11.19
    I lost mouse after banging jasmine… any hint ?

    vikingdemon 2010.11.19
    really fun game, can`t wait for the next part.

    Kotton24 2010.11.19
    yea its a little slow my not bad, really great graphics well done

    maxxxy 2010.11.19
    Too slow. Should be option to jump past the long conversations. The sex game concept wasn`t very interesting the first time it was used in a LOP game; it gets less so with repetition.

    paladin33 2010.11.19
    Nice game! I got ending 2. How many ending are there in the game?

    hayden1 2010.11.19
    Vert good story and wonderful graphics. Nice game

    sigsillinois08 2010.11.19
    How do you get the 2nd ending?

    1st – Reach for gun when talking to Rage
    3rd – Don`t sleep with Rage

    star 2010.11.19
    look interesting, any walkthrough will be even better.

    eagleata 2010.11.19
    i`ve done 2nd ending. this is great game. i love it…

    drakkan 2010.11.19
    Sadly it moved to slow for me, too much dialog, too little fun.

    farkas 2010.11.19
    Vert good story and wonderful graphics. Nice game

    cheese101 2010.11.19
    needs a status bar to show how aroused the women are

    George69 2010.11.19
    How do you get the “talking with tin can” and “banging with fury” achievements?

    Kyell 2010.11.19
    As a sidenote (and hopefully temporary, hence the different post): the pointing arrow indeed disappears after the scene with Rage.
    You can still click things if you can `guess` where your mouse is. Buttons even highlight if yo happen to pass over them by chance.

    Kyell 2010.11.19
    Very long dialogues, not that I mind a good story but this is a bit over it in the `explaining` part.

    sexychild 2010.11.19
    really good game…i like the story(and am really curious where you are going to take it), like the world, and love you graphics…looking forward to the next chapter…

    @chiefton-there is at least four girls that you can fuck…

    themoda 2010.11.19
    a little boring in sometimes, the sex scenes are god, but the history can be better

    chiefton 2010.11.19
    I need more women options in the game.

    gabor1 2010.11.19
    For ending 3 DO NOT fuck Rage.
    I cant reach ending 1 and 4… (If I saw right, and hace four endings).
    Btw. nice game, good graphics and story, but have some bugs with the mouse arrow if replay the game. In this case right clicks helps a bit, but not so much…
    Is any idea how to fuck the mistress, CY, and the pink girl who want shine things?

    eldin 2010.11.19
    Great game! Graphics and story are very good!

    Trent 2010.11.19
    2 out of three endings so far, waiting for the sequel

    retros1 2010.11.19
    It looks like good game. I`ll try it

    acer101 2010.11.19
    I hope that they actually make a part 2 for this game. I want to know what happens next!

    bombguy645 2010.11.19
    fun game could use more interaction options with other people. looking forward to next game

    dx61005 2010.11.19
    The game and the characters are interesting…

    bravox34 2010.11.19
    a little slow on the loading

    kenney 2010.11.19
    a little slow on the loading

    az89 2010.11.19
    got the 3rd ending. how to get ending no 1?

    T M 2010.11.19
    Interesting so far. I like that there is actually a story, but I think sex scenes need to be longer. Still looking for 3rd ending.

    argosx 2010.11.19
    que juego tan malo y aburrido

    withshark 2010.11.19
    some 1 know haw to get the achivemen toking with tin can ?

    az89 2010.11.19
    got ending no 2. how to get another 3?

    sicnarfj 2010.11.19
    this is a great game, and I love the graphics

    Ketchi 2010.11.19
    it`s a not your best game

    nejipt 2010.11.19
    nice game and grafic like always… but i cant reach to the 1st ending:(

    Stevie B 2010.11.19
    nice fun game but why cant u fuck all women in it

    SerenaPinky 2010.11.19
    there are some problems with the mouse

    heiner 2010.11.19
    good game and better graffics it´s amazing

    mace88 2010.11.19
    i just love Lesson of Passion games.

    juliolugo 2010.11.19
    Um, after I took the painkillers it went back to the intro so I skipped it and now I`m back where I was but can`t leave the apartment.

    paranoid 2010.11.19
    A good game with an intresting storyline. I even managed to get all three endings. But I didn`t get all achievements. I`m missing the “fix me fuck me” and the thing with the brute.
    Any hints for me there?
    I tried different things with the junkie but nothing really worked I think.
    ah, and I also had the bug with the invisible curser after the fuck-scene.

    Ricoh124 2010.11.19
    Excellent game / storyline…… to be continued. High standard in these games with hidden achievements to keep the interest. Few bugs to iron out with the pointer thing disappearing after action scenes.

    wyskas 2010.11.19
    awsome back ground goos graphism but some bug…
    I lost the arrow when i fuck jasmine

    JeffersOne 2010.11.19
    Great game, really enjoying it but I`ve noticed a couple of problems. After the sex scene with Jasmine the mouse pointer vanishes and I`ve also noticed that the game does go back to the intro occasionally.

    dragonguardian13 2010.11.19
    great game graphics and story are very good. the problem though is i lost the cursor right after the sex scene with rage. So i couldnt continue.

    askagainlater 2010.11.19
    good game, great pics, storyline is only okay

    cooldt11235 2010.11.19
    I cant believe how amazing this game is nice work

    dreadwolf 2010.11.19
    I to have that mouse pointer problem: after fucking Rage, pointer is gone

    seelster 2010.11.19
    Graphics are good, interesting storyline.

    Also I have the same mouse poniter problem: after fucking Rage, pointer is gone.
    Renewing Flash hadnt helped.

    Ray_man 2010.11.19
    Like the graphics, gameplay is good.
    Only the conversations are to long.
    After i fucked Rage, my mouse pointer is gone.

    jerryonly83 2010.11.19
    very good game and graphics! nice storyline i`m already waiting for a sequel!

    fmeyen 2010.11.19
    Nice game and graphics. The conversations are a bit too long, but…

    drizzt101 2010.11.19
    very good game, really enjoyed the story and the girls, how do u get the shiny things an fix me fuk me achievements? cnt wait for tyhe sequel

    capetti 2010.11.19
    I can`t see the mouse anymore after Jasmine has gone.

    sentaiblue 2010.11.19
    one of the best game i like erverthing about the game

    u2man69 2010.11.19
    Not as good as I had hoped.

    teteine 2010.11.19
    yeah baby ! that s what i m talking about !

    prats 2010.11.19
    finally, got all the three endings and completed the game……
    TIP:to get ending no 3,dont have sex wth rage……

    komistus 2010.11.19
    Again: I love grahics and story

    prats 2010.11.19
    Ending 3 is the actual ending……

    prats 2010.11.19
    cant get ending no 3…….any idea how 2 enter the “HOLE” after gettin the pass 4rom the old man…as soon as i talk 2 the bouncer after gettin the pass, the game ends…..plzzz help…..

    weldingcrow 2010.11.19
    good story,but lost mouse after jasmine left. go figure

    carpa69 2010.11.19
    I can´t see the mouse when Jasmine has gone, I can´t play more

    prats 2010.11.19
    awesome game….great graphics n hot girls with an even hotter storyline……have got 2 endings so far…..

    storm 2010.11.19
    waw grate game, nice graphik and so exciting… more of this games

    snugglebunny 2010.11.19
    banging with furry means have sex with RAGE. be truthful with her and she will open up to you.

    Great game, wish the action scenes were more like daydreaming with keeley style. I think if you made a full town with more people to interact with or multiple parallel story lines would be a great full feature game. Keep up the great ideas! Thanks

    Jack81 2010.11.19
    Interesting plot with an apppropriately grim outlook, even if the gameplay is a bit confusing.

    myserio 2010.11.19
    Interesting, graphics are really good, so far I found only two endings, having problems finding more but that`s the fun of it.

    bizon1978 2010.11.19
    i don`t understand that game

    retiredtroll 2010.11.19
    Still have no idea how to get the Banging with Furry achievement. Any hints?

    hok122 2010.11.19
    The game is nice. It also have a nice graphics, so for me it`s good.

    kirov 2010.11.19
    beautiful and exciting game

    Add your own comment

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    Similiar games you may also like
    Passion Hotel

    High school romance

    Forced Strip – Up The Wahzoo

  • avatar

    First model girl is the best. nice game

  • avatar

    Well, at first I didnt believe that here can be some “third” photoshooting, but after picking the right answers a new costume apperd. Wow.

  • avatar

    One thing I like about this game was the clicking part which followed the flame. That made it a bit easier for me as I use a laptop. Also both the girls are sexy in different ways, a definite plus. Great game.

  • avatar

    Astonishing game. Congratulations to the development team.

  • avatar

    one of the best games and great graphics

  • avatar

    I love the style and game play … more of this kind please!

  • avatar

    I think..it`s so perfect games and nice to play!!!!!!!

  • avatar

    Kelly is hot, nice figure…perfect 10/10

  • avatar

    superb game, great animations and sexy girls

  • avatar

    hard to get to other ending but will keep trying

  • avatar

    A decent game, good graphics, but a little short for my tastes

  • avatar

    very good game excellent graphics..

  • avatar

    It`s good playing gog lala yes we can it`s shit golder

  • avatar

    superb game, great animations and sexy girls

  • avatar

    it`s a good game with good graphics but maybe a bit short

  • avatar

    Make sure you answer carefully, need her in a perfect mood for the best ending (best gameplay, maybe not the best ending)

  • avatar

    superb game, great animations and sexy girls

  • avatar

    This game was pretty good. Loved the photo part. The sex scenes were a little boring.

  • avatar

    nice job, very good gameplay and i absoloutly loved the graphics =) 9/10

  • avatar

    this was the best game i ever palyed

  • avatar

    beautiful made game with excellent graphics and a lot of possibilities to go after.
    Every time I did something else I found a reveiling ending, moer endings with with keeley one with keisha but the one together i still failed on keisha
    still a challeneg to go

  • avatar

    It`s good playing gog lala yes we can it`s shit golder

  • avatar

    over all nice gameplay and art. it was a very well designed game.

  • avatar

    Alice is beautiful great game good graphics. very enjoyable to play.

  • avatar

    Another great game with nice endings.

  • avatar

    the graphics of this game are so sexy !! And the story in wich you need to take photo of pretty girl is very good I like this one

  • avatar

    Very fun game, lots of good endings. spanking went on a little too long but otherwise quite enjoyable

  • avatar

    I love these game!!!!!!!!!!!

  • avatar

    awesome game with nice graphics. I like this kind of games 🙂

  • avatar

    thanks for the great game, love the endings!

  • avatar

    great game to make horny to people, i love it

  • avatar

    fun to play but how do u get alice

  • avatar

    Really nice game, still haven`t seen all of the endings

  • avatar

    the girls ar very hot in this game

  • avatar

    A very good graphics, caraters and gameplay.

  • avatar

    great game and beutiful grapics

  • avatar

    nice game
    would love to c more

  • avatar

    Sexy game, Beautiful Blonde.

  • avatar

    great game. a bit predictable though

  • avatar

    best graphics ever and an extremely interesting game

  • avatar

    Very good game, pretty excited, but with predictive story, good animation, but could be more interesting with more interactive scenes

  • avatar

    like this game, nice girls

  • avatar

    great game with a good graphics and great story line

  • avatar

    Probably my favorite game on this site!

  • avatar

    good graphics, good story , good game

  • avatar

    very good game with good graphics

  • avatar

    I hope a sequel is planned. I would find it good.

  • avatar

    One of My Favourites games here. A very good graphics, caraters and gameplay. Waiting for anothers yet to come.

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