Dildo Fishing
Game rating
Comments (74)
This game needs a gallery mode, I am too lazy to look for all animations
Cute game to pass some time with.
Is something to burn the time into
kind of boring…. 2 positions only?
Quite good animation
Good game, but very fast to be boring
It`s worse game i saw ever, what the hell is this game?
simple, kinda boring 3 positions , no face fucking-how cum?
Funny game, the graphics are pretty good but really the sex is secondary to the gameplay.
More option wish the fishing idea woudl be nice, game to borin imo.
the two things I love fishing and naked woman put the two of them together you get a happy man
nice looking game, various poses make each catch interest, I nice quick fix
Quite fun game but lacks of gameplay and graphics its nice to get a time around but not so much interesting
game is pepetitive and boring
this game is kinda lame but if you want to kill 15 mins then not bad
This is a sexy game that takes sex and fishing to a whole new level by combining them and giving the player the ultimate penetration of senses.
Needs a little more work on it. It is MNF game which I like to play sometimes.
Fun for a few minutes, but not a great game.
good game good fishing sexy dildo and girls
not such an easy game, i got stuked for almost an hour… but i love these girls
Well It is a different sexy game. Challenging in it`s own way. It`s not too bad, but not the greatest game I`ve played from the Meet and Fuck games.
I`m not even gonna try this one… looks terrible.
I don`t think this game is that bad, it`s just very repetitive and at times frustrating (the sharks and mines being set off without touching them, really?). But I`ve seen way worse games on this site with terrible visual and graphics that have high ratings :/ this isn`t that bad compared to some of those.
As for the “misogyny” in this game, I`ll admit it objectifies women (as do most other sex games from a male point-of-view where the sex with the woman is the goal of the game), but it isn`t that bad, and it hardly says anything about rape (the girls look like they`re enjoying themselves and they aren`t fighting him off or anything like that). This game is no better or worse than most other games I`ve seen on this site.
graphics are average and they could have done better in gameplay
Very good game and graphics!
Boring. Not worth playing
Decent graphics and a cool way to kill a few minutes of down time.
Wish there was more variety. The idea of it is still sexy ;D
pretty straight forward .. gets boring after a while…
Not bad, but I`ve played this off and on for about two years it seems like
Very good game kept me ocuipied for ages
this was your worst game ever. I know that many of the games are sexist but this was about rape. suffice to say that this was also boring
I see much better games in this page
Short and ridiculously bad graphics. I mean, come on, why is this amount of junk making it into this site?
cute but boring after a short time.
Good looking new game, liked it.
it does not have much variation
Wow PF1, how did this get on your site
such a let down
Terrible game. Shouldn`t even be here …
Fun and easy game to pass the time
Well said, danigonz. I am a woman, and I see these games for what they are. However, I enjoy playing them all the same if the story and graphics are good enough. This one falls far short of my expectations.
nice game but it need a higher graphic
The game is a bit momoton and luck based
Worse then other 2dish games, but not as bad as some.
Click away…i would say, the game starts funny but turns fast to boring…not my kind of games…still waiting for another great game…
Maybe a new game with Kelly??? would be appericiated
this game got really repetitive and got boring after a while
This needs more positions
too bad this doesnt work in rl lol
Great game. playforceone is the best game site i ve ever seen before…
Fun game but too repetitive