Digital Adventure

Game rating 58.00%
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  • avatar

    3.5/5. its a good game but too short

  • avatar

    i didnt like it i wasnt able to load the whole scree

  • avatar

    very hot and nice game i like it, but maybe little longer game should be like people say here.

  • avatar

    i give this game a 4/5. it would be 5/5 but it is to short

  • avatar

    that was a short but fun game. The graphic could be better but I enjoyed it

  • avatar

    The game is alright the story is really short and not well written but I still like it a little bit.

  • avatar

    The game had a fairly good story line but wasnt very long

  • avatar

    This game is not bad in the idea, however the overall product and storyline is really disappointing, nothing to credit on except the girl.

  • avatar

    lol, good game, I love the interaction.

  • avatar

    simple but nice game, nice girl btw

  • avatar

    Simple game but the graphics is really cool.

  • avatar

    Only thing I like about it was the whole Alice in Wonderland feel it had.

  • avatar

    Boring and slow. no game is fun when there are no decisions/ skill involved

  • avatar

    games of desires` another wonderful game, but the story is very short,,,But the game play is little better than the previous games

    graphics is below average

  • avatar

    That`s a good game but so direct and lack of reaction

  • avatar

    Game is kinda short. Otherwise a good game.

  • avatar

    Dont like the Story nor the game.

  • avatar

    Was that a demo version?
    If not, ridiculously short.

  • avatar

    not bad, not the greatest, but not a bad effort

  • avatar

    good graphic but the game is too short and easy that makes it so boring

  • avatar

    this game is not bad…i like it even though it graphic was not my taste but i really like it…anyway this game is worth to play

  • avatar

    First game of desire game that dissapointed me really. I can` beleieve they made such a misstake…what?
    I received the game, went home, i used the disc on conole and after found the controller and tv remote…The only problem i didn`t followed the script, and because i first used the disc and after found the tv remote the game was stuck with turn on the console, but when i interacted with it, it said first i put the disc in…The disc i already USED on the console!!?? Because the disc wasn`t in the inventory i wasn`t able to continue game….Thanks for the nothing…And no, after i was only interested what game is this i wont start agan after 3 times same problem i can find much better games without script errors…:-/

  • avatar

    Good game with nice graphics but little too short.

  • avatar

    Graphics and gameplay could use work, a little overrated imo.

  • avatar

    Games of desire often offers easy fast games which aren`t that bad at all: you don`t Always need a brain challenge to enjoy…..

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