Die 4 glory
Game rating
Comments (374)
This is a good game. It has alot of twists in the story.
as always super graphics
7 endings is a lot
Very nice graphics, and many endings.
very nice game good graphics , nice endings
The girls are hot, but the game itself is kind of confusing
nice game 🙂 but living with temptation is the BEST game !
great game good graphics and good scenes
I liked the elf the most 🙂
A great game with great graphic´s. One of my favourites!
Excellent game. It could be a bit longer.
Great graphics awsome game
Im the father of Price Charming
for me, best ending is with the elf
Good old fantasy story with sexy elves.
game`s well laid out,graphic`s are nice,smooth feel to gameplay.
this is the best game even if its a little short
great graphics and very interesting story
I got the third ending, cool game. Great graphics
This game was amazing, the elf girl specially, she is so hot. is nice
how to never worry about gold:
first don`t buy the short sword.
gold coin on the floor in bar.
talk to skeleton. take carrots next to stables outside and take cockroaches from your house. mix them in cauldron in your house. give him mixture (he gives you 1 gold)
go to swamp and pick up devil seed in left bottom corner sell to ash in tavern for 1 gold.
talk to peasant then go to monastery and kill monster (easier if you go into your inventory and drink peasants potion beforehand)
go back to town peasant will tell you about a flute
go to tavern ask ash about it.
go outside click above your apartment door then go inside. spend 3 coins and buy the flute (you should have 3)
go to swamp and play the flute (peak then reveal yourself)
go back to peasant and give him the flute.
go to inventory and equip the sword he gives you.
go to creek and open chest. you now have 3 coins
go back to peasant and buy wheat
give to victoria.
go back to apartment and pick up invitation.
also click your bookshelf and go back to victoria if you want sex scene with her.
now you should have everything you need to get all endings 🙂
(but just in case:
victoria ending: after sex open cellar and kill the monster
elf ending: go back to bar skeleton will tell you about his treasure and the cross. go to monastery click the cross on the roof, go to stables take rope, go back to monastery click on cross, go back to tavern, give to skeleton, then go to deep forest and kill the elf
princess ending: go to princess then go to ruins from the creek, kill the assassin and bring back its head, ask for her not the sword. the sword is pretty pointless just increases your chances of winning battles a bit.
Thief ending: go to princess, then go to ruins, listen to assassin, believe him, go to castle and kill the princess.
other endings are if you don`t reveal yourself to the elf at the bath scene, from just dying in battle and from refusing to love the elf when she saves you in the deep forest.
Hope this helps 🙂
takes time to load but overall a briilliant game
I love this game, but it really is challenging.
This game is amazing
probably my favorite.
Great game, challenging, but not too much, and has amazing quality and graphics.
I dont understand the game but it seems pretty cool
extra game, a litte easy but fine
Great graphics only a bit dull gameplay
Very interesting puzzle game. Graphics average.
HOW i can fuck ash some body help !!!
great graphics, strong story and awesome ladies
Great Game; I loved the elven woman
Odd, character doesn`t get to meet the blond elf in the startup splash screen? WUWT?
No dice with Ash
Princess – but she has issues
Priestess – works just fine
Elf Thief – again . . . issues
otherwise – – – nada
This game was amazing, the elf girl specially, she is so hot.
Nice story, some action – great game.
awesome game,lost myself in it!
i like the story of this game.
This would benefit from a little more RPG gameplay like “An Almost Noble”
nice game but a little “dry”
Interesting game ,wery nice graphic and interesting story.
Very good game I like the graphics
Looking good as usual by this amazing team i think people should play this as its fun and has good art as one expects from the lesson of passion team.
This is my favorite. I love this game. This game do make me feel horny. Very hot game.
Nice game good graphics.
good story, needs work on the hints but i give it a thumbs up
Good game, great graphics
This is rediculoius. I get to the swap with the elf girl and get stuck.. how in the world do I get the flute back to the peasant then?
Not a bad game, though a little let down when it came to the sex scene at the end… Seemed tacked on.
awesome game with awesome graphic as always! damn elf was hot!
Good game. Different story lines and endings are fun. Girls are hot. The sex scenes are not great. They need to be more explicit and more active. Still worth playing.
Nice game but could be a bit longer