Detective Dick
Game rating
Comments (1124)
Very fun. Shot the lady first time I played. Whoops.
Well its a bit twisted but still You have to use head 😉
NIce work!
A nice twist, keep up the good work, the girls are hot
I love playing detective. I am intrigued by this game.
Very nicely done game. Enjoyed playing thru to see all five of the endings. Was pretty surprised by a couple of them.
this was a very good game O.o, i like how you have multiple endings but it`s too bad the sex scenes werent so good
it seems a little short, if there were more investgations I would enjoy it more
Needed more sex. But good nonetheless.
the ending was pretty good , the gameplay was good
didn`t like so much of a walking but the game is great, a few more scene splease
very hot game, i love the multiple endings
IMO too short and too easy. Nice graphic anyway.
this games is quite good…nice graphics……someone please tell me how to get different endings?
If you visit Susan first and then visit Kim she will say “You again?”
Two of the bedroom hotspots (under the bed and the bathroom) also appear in the office
After confronting Kim and then deciding to keep the information to myself led to a screen with no options available.
Various spelling mistakes (women for woman, evidences for evidence, etc.)
The vast majority of the conversation options are meaningless, which is disappointing.
Could not get it to load.
Game was fun. Enjoyed evil dead reference
didn`t like so much of a walking but the game is great, a few more scene splease
5 endings are pretty cool, took a while to get ending 3. Still like to play the game as well.
Decent, enjoyed and got all endings but would not come back to it
Really fun game but a really creepy ending
the gameplay was awsome and its graphics
That was a good game ending was weird but, it was a nice twist.
ok game but not very good graphics are very well & sexy
This was the game that brought me to this site.
Great graphics
Great game I found it very fun to play
its ok, not many sex scnes
Great game, lots of fun, could have had more options.
fun game good plot
cant find out how to exmine evidence.
wanted to see what the magazines under the couch were
didnt see that ending coming and it just makes you want to keep playing
Good, very goood. This is a excellent game ;))
good game, lots of fun with a good story
Great game,lots of action grapics could be better
Aweoasme game,great storyline ,good graphic really exited
It`s a pretty good game, but it could have been sexier. Didn`t really get me horny.
not bad but not good as other
It`s okay, but I like the animated ones better.
It`s okaty, but it could be hotter.
Great Game! with nice endings.
very nice game…… and nice story
Great Game! NIce graphics!
The graphics are good as usual. The Megan Fox face is cute as all hell but it gets old after a while – new faces maybe>?
Superb graphics, hope there is episode 2 for this
very nice, i like it very much! I want more games like this!
Fun game, but lacking substance. It`s not as involved as other games, good graphics tho.
Nice blend of mysticism and the mundane in the story. Good multipath progression.
Not bad. Not great, either. Gameplay was fine, but I found the graphics a bit dark and def not sexy enough. A bit more sex would have been appreciated.
Good game … wery interesting..
Great game, good graphics and gameplay.
Not bad worth playing! despite wasting quite a lot of time
good.. but wheres the sex at?