Date with Naomi

Game rating 71.50%
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Comments 458

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Comments (458)

  • avatar

    Not a lot of challenge. the art is good, but there really isn`t much “animation.”

  • avatar

    1. place the mouse over her lips and click
    2. click the kiss icon then place it over her lips it will get color. Click
    3. click couch. touch then move cursor to bottom of screen on her right leg look for the color change.
    5 slowly move up her leg til she says something new.
    6. TOUCH her right breast a couple times then her left after she says something new again.
    7 when the scene changes GRAB where she crosses her legs.
    8.TOUCH her ankle and work your way up.
    NOTE: if at anytime during these actions your cursor stays colored just click a new action then click the old 1
    9.when u get close to her “lips” u might have to click the other side then her “lips” a couple times
    10.when the scene changes again KISS her leg around her knee and move close u will click 4 times
    11. after the 4th click LICK her til the scene changes.
    12. now u have a choice lick her butt or suck her breast.
    13a. if u click ass then click her skirt to remove it.
    14a KISS her ass a couple time moving around the 1st spot being just at the bottom of left cheek. when the next color spot chnages to the top of her crack change to LICK and click your way down.
    13b.if you click breast then KISS her left breast twice then right breast twice.
    14b.LICK her nipples left,right,left,right your will need to move your mouse around the area told in the box.
    NOTE: you will notice while your moving your mouse two solid red lines during this part of the game. in order to make the bar move up u need to move your mouse cursor over both lines top and bottom moving along the object.
    16. move the mouse over the lines in the dick at the base and near tip for a nice handjob.
    17.repeat 16 for a blowjob. the line will be on her face while its in her mouth. its time for some next action lol the lines are at the top and bottom of your spine.
    19. after 3 rounds of fucking you will get to choose where you cum. take your pick and you win.

  • avatar

    nice game, but its not realistic that u can make mistakes as much as you want..

    gaphics are nice, gameplay is a little bit tricky^^

  • avatar

    what a game graphic is too good

  • avatar

    Nice looking game…too bad I don`t have enough patience for playing it.

  • avatar

    good one. but hard to figure which one to use

  • avatar

    very nice game but very hard… getting bored!! not at all fun… cant know where to click it!!

  • avatar

    a bit frustrating to get the hang of ,but once you do it`s good..patience is needed and time
    then again if all games were easy..what would be the point..
    another suggestion ,,maybe a game for couples to play alternately

  • avatar

    nice game, but very very difficult …

    and the end its fun ^^

  • avatar

    nice game, but a bit hard to play

  • avatar

    i finally managed it good game

  • avatar

    awesome game, i love it..

  • avatar

    cant get this game need help

  • avatar

    A lot of locking is it my computer or the game

  • avatar

    this game doesnt work for me

  • avatar

    Fine graphics but not really good to play to me

  • avatar

    Great game, loved it! Nice and short! did get stuck on the couch, but with apac20`s help got through that. Such a hot girl! Would love to do her again!

  • avatar

    Its a bit buggy this game, but I got through to the end, there is only 1 real ending to this game and all.

  • avatar

    Great game and really interesting

  • avatar

    I like the variety, graphics, and multiple endings

  • avatar

    good game, seems to be alittle too much mouse action

  • avatar

    im moving the hand up the leg but nothing happens it stays colored so i changed it but the same thing happened. help

  • avatar

    Average game, hard to locate locations to click mouse

  • avatar

    Sexy girl, it´s a short, simple game, with good graphic

  • avatar

    short music is kinda bad, but if fast playing game with nice pic.

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