Cum of the Dead
Game rating
Comments (424)
Not the greatest, things were tedious and sometimes boring.
not a very good game pretty boring.
im sorry besides the pictures thats the only thing i liked about this game
it`s ok but gets boring after a while
really great game great graphics as well
nice girl but nothing specjal and kind of boring
nice girl but kind of boring
Is that it. Just a laser to get a pix . boring
the images are good, but it takes a while till complete it
Couldn`t get into this at all, just takes too long to reveal the pics, and even then, they are very basic, not worth the effort sadly.
It will be better if the method of unlocking the picture is more interesting and faster.
images were good though took a while to complete
Takes too long to clean the pics, Great animation but ive played for 20+ minutes and still there is no end 🙁
very well drawn characters. takes a while to get going though
The Pics Have Alright Graphics
boring to long and nothing to keep your intrest
Pictures are nice, good finds. The effort to uncover them is annoying.
takes too long to clear the pics…. but god pics nonetheless
boring for a hentai looking game this sucks
i want to fuck them so hard
a little boring in the end, it shpuld have an unlockable gallery
good games, i like the quality
I agree it take too long to clear the PIC, please make it more interesting
Brilliant artwork!! But the gameplay gets boring. I was hoping for some real zombie killing chick saving action.
hots girls makes this game superb
The game takes too long, but the pics are good
this game is too long, good pics but yea too long
too long in this game…i want to get faster
Easy when you get the hang of it and god yes I love resident evil
ok game like house of d dead bt u have sex in it
very cool pictures but the way to clear them not really fun though.
it is a bored game, it is too long
Boring and not fun atall.
hiyaaaaaa….. when it will be over yet?
takes to long to clear the pics
Kinda boring but the pics are cool.
wish that there was a gallery mode and was too repetative
Nice game but buy playing some of the other game this one could be better maybe add a role playing aspect to it
I like it but it is to long and repetitive.
Good concept, just needs something other than cleaning pictures…
strange game, i think this game is not good
not the best game i played but the picts are good
i actually kinda like this game
bad pics and boring, no way of knowing how many pics there where left. if i knew how many where left i whoulda quit much sooner
Far from the best, but not the worst. Gameplay is repetative, and the pis are only ok at best.
Alright game, gameplay could be better though.
Stolen game Engine. Bad storyline, bad gameplay. Horrible game.
this anit very but but really difficult..
The game mechanics are a great idea, visually speaking it`s good. Too bad after a few minutes it gets repetitive and boring.
really too long and boring