Crusoe had it easy
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dating sim
Ä? l,ke those
the carton or anime character really fits to the game and i like how it looks
decent game with good graphics
There`s a really decent game here but the rapey **** sucks.
loved it. Even the several endings 🙂
This really is the best fantasy, though I would request more animation rather than static pics.
This is seriously the best game I`ve found on here. Mainly because the story is well thought out and the characters are believable. Great job creator.
Very nicely made game, A good Find!
story is good but graphics meeh.. still great tho
Fun story, not much sex though. A lot of options, routes and endings.
Loved this one the story is awesome even if the graphics aren`t great
wow it was pretty hard to get all endings. i enjoyd the game.
great game
loved it
beautiful busty girl
I really like this one. The graphics are not very good but the story is great.
Interesting storyline, nice multi-tiered gameplay. Graphics are only so-so
Graphis are ok and also hard to get at first but you`ll get it soon after.
Nice game, great graphics etc, just a little bit short…
not my kind of game ….
not bad but tey speek too mutch
Fun game, just the right amount of content
It`s only an OK game. To much text, not enough decision to take. Could be really better if they weren`t cousin…
I love this game, and his graphic exept the “censor”
i liked it. specially the story. drawings were so-so, but very intriguing story
Good story. Good looking girl. Sex scenes need to be more interactive and graphic. Worth playing
super hot cute little girl… great anime game
Good story. Good looking girl. Worth playing,
is good but It`s quite hard….but once you get the basics its easy which took mee loong long time :/
Really enjoying this game. Got two endings so far.
I like the jungle touch to it
good game, could have better interactions though.
Pretty fun game, Could have better scenes but still worth a play through.
Very nice game. Agree with others that it comes to a bit of a sudden end, but what is there is good.
shes hot no wonder he banger her
Loved this game, tried every angle…..addictive 🙂
this game has great animations need it longer
nice game and graphic and gameplay
Nice graphics, interesting game play. I enjoyed the different endings.
i love this one, crusoe is cute
Nice game! I liked the story i think it was a bit to short.
But great girl and good graphics!
why does the ending have to be so depressing
I want to get the paradise ending! I just can`t find it. I did everything to make her like me, and then didn`t rape her but still got the gentleman ending.
great game. a little short but fun over all!
great, totally kick ass game with graphics quality 9/10 really like this style of graphics
Beautiful game with amazing graphics and girls
nice totally kick ass game with graphics quality 8/10
Short fun story, and well, cute girl. Only wish there was more.
loved the game play graphics were good
Nice game but a little short even with 7 different endings
nice game quite easy though nice scenes interesing gameplay
Only thing I do not like about this game is that the story wraps up so there is not really a continuation would like to see it continue maybe before the kids or after might be interesting to make a “gathering” game out of it like the protagonist gathering skins meat herbs etc for the survival of the characters might be interesting if you beat the clock you get laid if not you get scolded just a thought. =)