Crusoe had it easy

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  • avatar

    the story is good and animations are decent not bad at all

  • avatar

    I`m not really comfortable with cousin`s fuck but otherwise it`s a good game.

    Graphism are good and good story too !

  • avatar

    A good game with some weird choises.

  • avatar

    Nice story, Short game without too much fuss.

  • avatar

    The story is good but not a lot of game play

  • avatar

    Fucking love this game, a shame it`s so short

  • avatar

    games ok getting better

  • avatar

    a nice game with a good story.

  • avatar

    its a really great game but i could only find 2 endings :d

  • avatar

    This game is very great i like that 🙂

  • avatar

    clever how it changed from the usual idea of seduce a girl for five minutes and she will fall in love with you

  • avatar

    This is a cute game play. It changes.

  • avatar

    I have some new Idea about making games like these and I don`t know how to do it if Lesson of Passion or Play Force One can read my comment then please make Back to the Future episode 3 which has Marty and Jennifer kissing and there is no sex there so this is just my suggestion I hope you would to that and thank you first 🙂

  • avatar

    I like these types of games

  • avatar

    too few options… game play is good though.. rape seems to be the only way to have sex here

  • avatar

    awesome game animation not so much

  • avatar

    great game could have had better animation

  • avatar

    great game really good looking graphics

  • avatar

    I liked the story. Sex scenes could be better tough

  • avatar

    I like these types of games. Glad to see there are others on this site.

  • avatar

    nice sexy girls loved the game it was awesome

  • avatar

    Good story line helped keep the game interesting. Worth replaying multiple times.

  • avatar

    a good game with a good story was actually entertaining

  • avatar

    This was a fun game. I thought the story line was good, and the idea was cool too. I would have liked to have a few more sex scenes, but even without them the author has a lot to be proud of.

  • avatar

    I still don`t see the point about putting “payments” into “free games”. At least, label them as “freemium”.

  • avatar

    Good game, interesting variety of options, good design of animations.

  • avatar

    Too much story; choices not very material; sex not very good; gets tedious and frustrating; male character not one I want to identify with. Got my interest for a while but in the end is that all? Is my most positive response

  • avatar

    There are only four variables at play here: her like/dislike of you, your contempt of her, whether you rape her, and whether you find and use the herb.

    Happy feelings (you liking her, and her liking, or at least being neutral to, you):
    Day 1: Offering to cook
    Night 1: Going for a walk with her (not doing so is neutral), asking her what she misses most or if she wants to go back (doubling or asking how long you`ll be out there are neutral), agreeing with her that it`s food
    Day 2: Telling her about her top, heading into the forest, bandaging up her wound (trying to suck the poison out is neutral), going out to get food (either way)
    Night 2: Giving her the roots (offering to share them is neutral)
    Day 3: Not jerking off or jerking off and blaming yourself; either food search is neutral, though you`ll actually be successful at finding food in the forest, and the forest is the only way you`ll find the herb
    Night 3: Asking her about the snakebite and about going for a walk are neutral; saying nothing is neutral in all instances, as is asking what happened next, as is apologizing for either not running away or crying. Joking about ending up together is positive. Any choice you make between the various parts of her that you love the most are neutral.

    Bad Feelings (things that make you dislike her and her dislike you):
    Day 1: Refusing to cook, asking to touch her boobs
    Night 1: Complaining about the food if you forced her to cook, telling her to stop being a bitch if you apologize for forcing her to cook, answering anything other than food if you ask her what she misses most (friends and parents are at best neutral, and computer is a definite strike against you)
    Day 2: Don`t tell her about her top, don`t overextend yourself, don`t do anything with the snakebite, refuse to leave her to go get food
    Night 2: Take the roots for yourself
    Day 3: Jerk off, and blame her
    Night 3: Ask her about the kiss (might be neutral), insist that she is beautiful

    Regardless of what actions you take, you will have the opportunity to rape her on Night 3. How that goes for you if you choose to undertake it depends on your actions leading up to it.

    If you choose not to overextend yourself on Day 2, you will read about the herb. To potentially use it, you will need to determine that “hypnotic” means “sleep-inducing.” The herb is only used in one ending, but it`s a good ending if you like rape fantasies.

    Anyway, here are the endings. Note that these are not the only ways to get these endings, but these ways definitely work. Also, these are my ending names, not theirs.

    Rape: Herb Ending – Be a jerk basically the entire time. Refuse to cook, ask to touch her boobs. When she cooks, complain, and say it`s her fault. Don`t tell her about her top. Don`t overextend yourself. Leave the snakebite as is. Refuse to go look for food. Jerk off, and blame her for walking in on you. Go search for roots. When you get lost, remember that moss grows on the north side of trees, and you live on the west side of the island. Take the herb when you find it. Put it in Sophie`s meal. When you come back from your walk, rape her.

    Rape: Death Ending – Same as the Rape: Herb Ending, but don`t use the herb in her meal.

    Rape: Prisoner Ending – Be slightly more nice than dickish. Cook for her, but don`t go for a walk with her. Tell her about her top, but don`t overextend yourself. Leave the snakebite as is, but go look for food. Take the roots for yourself. Don`t jerk off. Food search choice is immaterial. Say nothing as much as possible; if necessary to respond, apologize for not running away or for crying. Rape her.

    Rape: Secrets Ending – Be nice. Agree to cook; go for a walk with her; ask her what she misses most, and agree that it`s food; tell her about her bikini; head into the forest; bandage her snakebite; go out looking for food; give her the roots; don`t jerk off, or do and blame yourself; food search choice is immaterial; say nothing, joke about ending up together anyway, say nothing, go for a walk, pick your favorite part of Sophie, then head back and rape her.

    Nothing Happens Ending – Do exactly the same as any of the Rape: Herb, Death, or Prisoner endings, but don`t rape her.

    Sad Ending – Do the same thing as the Rape: Secrets ending, but don`t rape her. Then you cry, because this ending is super sad. And by “you,” I mean the real life person playing the game should cry, not the narrator. I mean, he cries too, but you should cry along with him, because this ending is brutal to read. Someone described it as watching Sophie “slowly, methodically, and joylessly rip out [the narrator`s] still-beating heart,” and I think that`s fairly accurate.

    Happy Ending – Do the same thing as the Sad Ending, but instead of asking her what she misses most on Night 1, ask “Do you want to go back?” Seems weird that one dialogue option would be outcome-determinative, but it is.

    Also, I guess I should point out that you can type in “notsoclose” on the menu screen (just while you`re on the menu screen; there`s no input box for it) to make it so that they`re friends instead of cousins if that weirds you out.

  • avatar

    Cool idea, but I feel like the whole thing could have just been written as a story. There`s just not many options for anything different. I know there are 7 different endings, but there`s just not much to it and it didn`t make me care enough to want to try again.

  • avatar

    It was a Kind of solala notthimg Special less action

  • avatar

    1, Gentleman
    2. Regrets
    5.Dead Rapist
    6. Almost Dead Rapist
    7. Nothing to Tell,

    The last one is tricky, I basically did everything right, refused then agreed , told her about the bra and so on. However I read up about the plant, picked it up, but didn`t use it. then take advantage of her in her sleep.


    This ending she wakes up, but lets you continue, all seems good until the morning, you live but you don`t really talk about it.. Enjoy!

  • avatar

    The last one is called nothing to say or something like that

  • avatar

    It`s nice to have a game different from the usual! Hope to see more games like this

  • avatar

    Great game! Cute girl, hot sex secenes, lots of different sexy endings (I love that you get to rape her). The interface is really well designed, with easy options for quicksave, quickload, and skipping dialogue.

  • avatar

    good game, could have better interactions though.

  • avatar

    one question: how can i take the herb for the final “dead date drug rapist”?

  • avatar

    After a quick search here are the endings and a short walkthrough for the true ending from user voalty on newgrounds:

    *How much she likes you (-7 to 0, 1 or 3, 4, 5 to 8)
    * How much contempt you have for her (-1 or 0, 1, 2 to 4 )
    * Whether you said you wanted to stay during the first night`s walk
    * Whether you found and identified the herb

    * if you identified the herb, drug her (requires contemptâ??2), and rape her: she kills you (“Dead Date Drug Rapist”)
    * if she doesn`t like you at all (like â?¤ 0) and rape her: she kills you (“As Dead as a Rapist”)
    * if she likes you a little (1 â?¤ like â?¤ 3) and you rape her: she ties you up and keeps you barely alive until you`re rescued (“Rapist”)
    * if she likes you a bit (like â?? 4) and you rape her: she`ll almost-but-not-actually forgive you. (“Nothing to Tell”)
    * if she DOESN`T like you enough (like â?¤ 4) and you DON`T rape her, you get the gentleman ending (“A True Gentleman”)
    * if she likes you a lot (like â?? 5) she`ll initiate sex on the last night, and then:
    ** if you said you wanted to stay, you get to stay (“Paradise”)
    ** if you didn`t say you wanted to stay, you get the melancholy ending (“Regrets”)
    Interestingly, neither getting caught masturbating, nor talking about your first kiss, changes anything.”

    True Ending Walkthrough:

    Day 1: “Refuse”, “Agree”, “Go along”, { “What do you miss from home”, “Food” (for “Regrets” ending) / “Do you want to go back?” (unlocks “Paradise” ending) }
    Day 2: “Tell her”, “Head into the forest”, DON`T stay with her, “Let Sophie have [the roots]”
    Day 3: Masturbating won`t change anything. All other choices should be really obvious.

    Also, on day three, if you`re looking for the herb to put her to sleep, its in the forest after you get lost. You have to pick the right directions to get back to camp by choosing “North” then “West.” You can only use the herb is she doesn`t like you though. Hope this helps!

  • avatar

    Good story. Good looking girl. Sex scenes need to be more interactive and graphic. Worth playing,

  • avatar

    I have only got 6 of 7 endings i cant find the 7th ending.
    1, Gentleman
    2. Regrets
    5.Dead Rapist
    6. Almost Dead Rapist
    7. (Unkown)
    Can anyone help me find this ending.

  • avatar

    Really interesting game. i got 4 endings so far
    1: you rape her and you will be killed
    2: gentleman ( no sex )
    3: regrets ( you should be gentle so you can have sex with her removing her bra in the last night scene, then you will be saved by ship )
    4: paradise lost ( like 3, but before sex scene you have to ask her in the middle of the game if she wants to stay in the island; when the ship come, you don`t call it ad rest in the island like a couple and having kids )

  • avatar

    really nice story/sex based game

  • avatar

    can only get ending 1 or 7, has anyone others?

  • avatar

    nice game, but only found two endings

  • avatar

    Very good new games, it`s nice

  • avatar

    Several tries and only found 2 endings.

  • avatar

    Nice little game, too short for my liking, but very nice

  • avatar

    nice sexy little teen, nice job!

  • avatar

    Nice looking new game, liked it.

  • avatar

    Interesting game. I`ll keep trying. Good looking girl. Hope he does better in other endings.

  • avatar

    Excellent concept with interesting developments in the storyline

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