Crimson Yuna
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Comments (81)
i like the this game but dont understand what their sayin
Shame its not in english, but still it`s Yuna 🙂
dont understand what the hell they are saying
good game but the language is not understandable, enlish language wold be better
i love this game good graphic
in english would be nice.
If i understood what the text was saying it would be great
Strange and noisy. But still i had to go trough it.
most of the comments ring true. this needs an english version. badly.
Good game but a little strange all the tentacles.
i know this game before.
its very cool .. go so on ;D
A pity i don`t speak Chinese
this game has some really good ending
Well, and english translation would`ve helped alot. I just saw the small squares and it was difficult to know how to progress. Not bad though.
nice game just need to figure out what the little boxes do. could use some explaining as far as the whole purpose is
Is there an English version?
so fast game…. and so easy… we need more difficult
What do the bars in the game mean?
good graphics, bad game. needs english subtitles & click fest games are rarely fun to play.
To bad the japanese is not readable
not a great game but nice just need to figure out what to do, and how to do it to the girl
i don`t really understand what to do
j`adore ce jeu pauvre yuna he he
Got to love Yuna, good game, don` like the pixelation though.
Not bad, cant really follow due to the different language
a good looking Yuna, but i dont quite understand what to do.
An English version would be better, I would like to know whats going on and it would take to long to learn Japanese.
I think it comes down to a simple knowing whats going on issue for me, if it had an English version and I knew what I was trying to do, which bar meant what etc… then I may have liked it better!
Graphics and audio are nice. Bit shame its in not in english
not a big fan of tentacle games
kust another clicking marathon nothing extra
Good Game ,good animations,and action
it was pleasant but the graphics glitched a bit, a smother experiance would be nice
Yuna is one of my favorite characters, but this game didn`t do it for me. Would be nice if it was in English as well
What do the bars in the game mean?
Not really keen on these kind of games.
it`s an ok game, could be better
animations where to quick
censorship made alot less enjoyabul
moaning very anoing
overal I didn`t enjoy this game
ok game but dun like the censorship
I dont really like games like this but, the different positions were pretty good. the animation was not that good and its kinda hard to understand without any translation at all.
Not very impressed with either graphics or gameplay. Not a good game.
It`s a bit stupid and i dont understand what to do…
this game has not too good graphics
Would have been nice to understand it. But Yuna is hot as hell so it gets points regardless
Ah man, Yuna is really hot. It would have been nice if the Japanese in the lower right corner was translated, though.
wow i have no idea what the point of this game is
Good game, cute gal, love the screaming.
very strange gam,meks your finger a bit sore but
Pretty picture, and very sexy too ….
Good animation, i love this game.