Crimson Yuna
Game rating
Comments (81)
A funny game for whose who loves tentacles. Not my kind of stuff. I prefer stories and good characters.
the consept not so good…but the funny side makes it acceptable…
well its ok but nothing specialrn
well I played this game not to much fun dident understand it very well
Japanese text isn`t helpful, game is pretty old too. Not my type but some will like it
I like the animation in this. Always loved FF so this is right in my wheelhousern
Graphics and audio are nice.
Lack of translation makes it difficult to know what is going on.
Could not get the hang of it and found it bad to paly
a bit of a boring game. Not interesting.
Not much fun to be honest. I prefer the role play stuff.
This is very bad and boring game.
Basics: left click the various body parts until the yellow meter goes up.
The bottom right corner words will either change positions, or move on to the next scene.
Overall, quite decent.
Very strange game. Afraid I didn`t get it
Im realy confused. They need an english versio
I do have to say yuna never looked so sexy ummm nice very nice indeed
Way too frustrating to just keep clicking and clicking. Needs instructions and more English, please!
Game is impossible to play whitout english interface, grafic is good but is not going to work good so far.
It needs translation. The graphics could be better, and please, quit the blur!
good graphic`s liked that there are number of positions, shame on english
needs a little work and some english subtitles
Too much clicking and hoping. needs English translation. animation was good though.
Awesome game and Puzzling
she had a nice orgasm. but i don`t understand why there has to be pixles…
i`m going countercurrent, i don`t like the game, it`s untied, and have many problem of management of the movement, and a low details quality, so for me have many choise you can do in the game, but a too low idea quality, and no have an objective
A little experimentation gets you through the lack of English, and makes for a overall enjoyable game. Love the Crimson team`s artwork in their games.
Not bad,good graphic`s. Like the others have commented, wish it was in English.
good game…. to bad not in english
Hope there will be more types of tentacle games!
could hv been better with a english subtitle….
Very good animation but as others have said English translation would of made the game better rather than click and hope.
Without English version difficult to progress.
Not really fun kinda would be nice in english
i don`t know about this, kinda creepy
Not a bad game but be better if it was in english
kinda hard to understand since its not in english but i give you 4.5 stars good game btw
Boored game , lost interest quick.
Very hard game because there are no english
Nice graphics. Too bad it is censored. I like the different options and positions. English subtitles would be helpful, but it`s easy to figure out without them. Worth a try.
English instructions would be very helpful.
awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tooo cool yall should play