College romance

Game rating 84.50%
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Comments (1132)

  • avatar

    dang man i really wanted there to be somethin different that happens if you play optimally perfect game with all three girls love status and just enough stats to meet pass requirements, 55 fitness 50 science 62 culture 60 swag 60 pop but no you still have to choose only one 🙁 nothing extra for an optimally perfect game… you have to spend all time on highest paid job/buying gifts and never start talking to a girl unless you have at least a teddy bear so you start in friendship status at least… also do not spend more than one part of a day buying the req swag and should try and get reiko first or second since she leaves early if you dont

  • avatar

    Now that`s a good story and gameplay.

  • avatar

    love the game but it is hard to figure out the balance needed to for all the different endings.

  • avatar

    This game is a lot of fun. The different endings are great and make it quite replayable.

  • avatar

    I see everybody saying, play basketball but how? I can see no option in my screen where it says play basketbal, any help please?

  • avatar

    I liked the game, simple but not too simple it became boring. found all endings without having to restart too many times.

  • avatar

    very good game, as usual, congrats for the awesome girls, and for rescue Kendra

  • avatar

    great game, would love a teacher in it tho

  • avatar

    is kendra the same one as kendra from claire: the exchange student? ending 5 would seem to indicate that this is the case.

  • avatar

    I`m sorry but when a game literally handicaps you for 30 days only and with the experience level up as slow as a turtle that`s just wrong

    sure the girls are hot and such but to get within 30 days to get to “love”? and guess what that`s like in the 100+ area and to get to said point is slow and frustrating

    and also why forcefully change the time of day? i mean what happens if someone clicked the wrong button? nope this game is really not for anyone who doesn`t have any patience i prefer the other LOP games over this one

  • avatar

    I love this game and the girls look great.

  • avatar

    Great game and also a great story line.

  • avatar

    Very hot game and fantastic story

  • avatar

    The game is great. IMO much better then some previous LOP works. The girls are awesome, especially Naomi 🙂
    Though I think it`d be super awesome if player had variaty in actions, like in scenes with Naomi (though IDK is this a glitch or that`s planned). Or the possibility between actions appeared after successful sex scenes, like next time you can do more, or after reaching a certain amount of relashionship points.
    And as I said the game is great overall 🙂

  • avatar

    Very good graphics like always with lop
    interesting game
    Keep going

  • avatar

    Ok, here goes. There are 5 (five) possible endings (all, sadly [and as usual], non-interactive; i.e. just pictures with a story):

    ENDING 1
    You fail to pass the exams. You go do summer school and stuff.

    ENDING 2
    You manage to pass the exams, but fail to get any girls to “Love” status (or else you can choose “travel alone” option even if you HAVE gotten a girl, but for some reason don`t want to pick her [you strange person…]). You still have an OK summer, but not as fun as with the girls.

    ENDING 3
    Pass exams, get Naomi. Tropical island.

    ENDING 4
    Pass exams, get Reiko. Tokyo.

    ENDING 5
    Pass exams, get Kendra. Backpacking trip, with a threesome at the end.

    1. I believe the fastest way to get all exam-related things above 50 (culture, science, fitness) is to first get them above 25, and then you can do science tutoring & drama class in morning & afternoon (also gets you some popularity) and basketball in in the evening, until they`re all above 50. This can take as little as 11 days or so, which leaves you a LOOOOOT of time to pursue the girls.
    2. You can only get swag by buying stuff for yourself (the full selection gives you 100).

    P.S.: I didn`t have any bad problems with game/endings (on Firefox), but I did have a glitch or two during gameplay (which usually went away with time/switching between tabs)

  • avatar

    Ending 1 – Do not pass exams
    Ending 2 – Travel Alone
    Ending 3 – Vacation with Naomi
    Ending 4 – Vacation with Reiko
    Ending 5 – Vacation with Kendra

  • avatar

    what a great game lop,i liked the blonde the most,but they were all great in each their own way.just remember to keep an eye on the progress box in the top to see where you ned to improve ,got the vacation with all three girls but at threesome woud have been nice but they are good ast they not sure i got all the hints to other games though. the japanese girl takes some getting used to but its great ;). 10/10 for this one a good distraction from my elanor addiction ,thanks LOP

  • avatar

    Excelent game, with beautifull graphics, I must say! Very nice mechanics, especially during sex ssenes. One thing is somehow interesting to me – that Reiko, the Japanease girl, is more curvy (in good sence, there, where woman should be) than local girls. I always thought that people from Japan are a bit smaller and have a bit lighter body build than these from Western World.
    Also, Reiko is in my oppinion the best girl, if we are talking about character. When Naomi is typical school celebrity girl (popular, but maybe not the intelect titan xD), Reiko seems to care little about popularity (20 points are not soo much), but highly about science and culture. Kendra, however is somehow a mystery to me. On one hand, she needs about 50 popularity in total to advance in romance. On the other, she isnt so much concentrated on being a celebrity, she is rather a typical nice girl-next-door. Still, in sex scene, she is quite pleased if you act more gently (no drunk her and bed her). Of course, that doesnt stop her from being “hot inside”, I mean, when the foreplay is over, she shows how much she like sex.

  • avatar

    That`s a really nice game. The girls are all hot and it`s not too hard to get them.

  • avatar

    Here is the walkthrough:

    Day 1:
    School >> Gym >> Intensive workout.
    Intensive workout.
    Shop >> Help sell Marchandise

    Day 2:
    School >> Gym >> Intensive workout.
    Intensive workout.
    Shop >> Help sell Marchandise

    Day 3:

    School >> Gym >> Intensive workout.
    Corridor >> Class room >> Study English langage.
    Play Basketball.

    Day 4:

    School >> Class room >> Study English langage.
    Study English langage.
    Play Basketball.

    Day 5:

    Study English langage.
    Study English langage.
    Play Basketball.

    Day 6:

    School >> Library >> Study Science.
    Study Science.
    Play Basketball.

    Day 7:

    School >> Library >> Study Science.
    Study Science.
    Play Basketball.

    Day 8:

    School >> Library >> Study Science.
    Drama Classes
    Play Basketball.

    Day 9:

    School >> Library >> Drama Classes
    Tutor Students.
    Your Apartment >> Write short novel.

    Day 10:

    School >> Library >> Drama Classes
    Tutor Students.
    Your Apartment >> Write short novel.

    Day 11:

    School >> Library >> Drama Classes
    Tutor Students.
    Your Apartment >> Write short novel.

    Day 12:

    School >> Library >> Drama Classes
    Tutor Students.
    Your Apartment >> Write short novel.

    Day 13:

    School >> Library >> Drama Classes
    Tutor Students.
    Your Apartment >> Write short novel.

    Day 14:

    School >> Library >> Tutor Students.
    Corridor >> City center >> Shop >> Buy stuff for yourself: mp3 player, cool shades, Nose piercing
    City Center >> Dance Club >> Work as Bouncer

    Day 15:

    Shop >> Buy presents for girls >> Box of chocolates, Fancy flower, Teddy bear.
    City Center >> Your apartment >> Post some photos on Facebook.
    City Center >> Dance Club >> Work as Bouncer

    Day 16:

    Your apartment >> Post some photos on Facebook.
    Post some photos on Facebook.
    City Center >> Dance Club >> Work as Bouncer

    Day 17:

    Your apartment >> Post some photos on Facebook.
    Post some photos on Facebook.
    City Center >> Dance Club >> Work as Bouncer

    Day 18:

    Your apartment >> Post some photos on Facebook.
    City Center >> School >> Gym >> Kendra
    Talk, Gift: Box of chocolates, compliment her outfit (top right of her denim pants), Goodbye.
    Dance Club >> Work as Bouncer

    Day 19:

    School >> Class room >> Reiko
    Talk, Gift: Teddy bear, compliment her eyes (near her eyes), Goodbye.
    Gym >> Kendra
    Talk, Gift: Fancy Flower, compliment her outfit (top right of her denim pants), Touch her hair (hair), Goodbye.
    Dance Club >> Work as Bouncer

    Day 20:

    Shop >> Buy presents for girls >> Box of chocolates, Fancy flower, Teddy bear.
    City Center >> School >> Gym >> Kendra
    Talk, Gift: Box of chocolates, compliment her outfit, Touch her hair (hair), Goodbye.
    Shop >> Reiko.
    Talk, Gift: Teddy bear, compliment her eyes (near her eyes), Touch her arm, Goodbye.

    Day 21:

    School >> Class room >> Reiko
    Talk, Gift: Fancy Flower, compliment her eyes (near her eyes), Touch her arm, Flirt, Kiss her lips, Goodbye.
    City Center >> Shop >> Buy presents for girls >> Box of chocolates, Fancy flower, Teddy bear.
    City Center >> Dance Club >> Work as Bouncer

    Day 22:

    School >> Class room >> Reiko
    Talk, Gift: Teddy Bear, compliment her eyes, Touch her arm, Flirt, Kiss her lips, Goodbye.
    Gym >> Kendra
    Talk, Gift: Box of chocolates, compliment her outfit, Touch her hair, Flirt, Kiss her hand, Goodbye.
    City Center >> Dance Club >> Work as Bouncer

    Day 23:

    School >> Class room >> Reiko
    Talk, Gift: Fancy Flower, compliment her eyes, Touch her arm, Flirt, Kiss her lips, massage her thighs, Goodbye.
    City Center >> Shop >> Buy presents for girls >> Box of chocolates, Fancy flower, Teddy bear.
    City Center >> Dance Club >> Work as Bouncer

    Day 24:

    School >> Class room >> Reiko
    Talk, compliment her eyes, Touch her arm, Flirt, Kiss her lips, massage her thighs.
    Say that you would love to.

    Sex scene with Reiko:

    Say that she looks sexy in that… (click near her mouth)
    [after the text:]
    Compliment her outfit (near her boobs)
    Push her on a window (click near the window)
    Kiss her lips
    Spread her legs
    Undress her (on her belt on her belly)
    Remove her panties
    Massage her boobs.
    Turn her around. (boob at your right)
    Ask her to suck your cock. (click near her mouth)
    Slow, medium, then fast: as long as the gauge moves.
    Slow, medium, then fast: as long as the gauge moves.

    (comment: i like this gameplay)

    School >> Gym >> Kendra
    Talk, Flirt, compliment her outfit, Touch her hair, Kiss her hand, Goodbye.
    Dance Club >> Naomi.
    Talk, Gift: Teddy bear, compliment her hair, Goodbye.

    Day 25:

    School >> Naomi
    Talk, Gift: Fancy Flower, compliment her hair, touch her arm (left), Goodbye.
    Gym >> Kendra
    Talk, Gift: Box of chocolates, Flirt, compliment her outfit, Touch her hair, Kiss her hand, massage her thighs, Goodbye.
    Shop >> Buy presents for girls >> Box of chocolates, Fancy flower, Teddy bear.

    Day 26:

    School >> Naomi
    Talk, Gift: Teddy Bear, compliment her hair, touch her arm (left), Flirt, Kiss her lips, Goodbye.
    Gym >> Kendra
    Talk, Gift: Box of chocolates, compliment her outfit, Touch her hair, Kiss her hand, massage her thighs, Goodbye.
    Dance Club >> Naomi.
    Talk, Gift: Fancy flower, compliment her hair, touch her arm (right), Flirt, Kiss her lips, Goodbye

    Day 27:

    Shop >> Buy presents for girls >> Box of chocolates, Fancy flower, Teddy bear.
    City Center >> School >> Gym >> Kendra
    Talk, flirt, (if needed select the other options like compliment her outfit, Touch her hair… but don`t use gifts)
    Say that you would love to:
    Sex scene with Kendra:
    Massage her arm.
    Silence her with your finger.
    Remove her left glove.
    Remove her right glove.
    Rise her skirt
    Take of her dress (right boob, slightly above)
    Kiss her boobs.
    Force her to turn around (left of her neck)
    Massage her buttocks
    Ask her to touch herself (click on her mouth)
    Stop her (on her pussy)
    Slow, medium, then fast: as long as the gauge moves.
    Ask her to spread her legs (click on her back)
    Slow, medium, then fast: as long as the gauge moves.

    Dance club >> Naomi
    Talk, Gift: Teddy bear, flirt, compliment her hair, touch her arm (right), Flirt, Kiss her lips, massage her thighs.
    Good bye.

    Day 28:

    School >> Naomi
    Talk, Gift: Fancy flower, compliment her hair, touch her arm (left), Flirt, Kiss her lips.
    Say that you would love to:
    Sex scene with Naomi:
    Kiss her
    Massage her thighs.
    Remove her hands.
    Touch her hairs.
    Remove right strap.
    Remove left strap.
    Take it off.
    Touch her boobs.
    Kiss her cheek.
    Remove panties.
    Massage her thighs.
    Touch her pussy
    Put wet finger in her mouth.
    Slow, medium, then fast: as long as the gauge moves.
    Slow, medium, then fast: as long as the gauge moves.


    School >> Library >> Tutor students.
    Play basketball.

    Day 29:

    School >> Library >> Tutor students.
    Drama Classes.
    Play basketball.

    Day 30:

    Choose Girl

  • avatar

    Another great LoP game and a tip – stick with one girl!!

  • avatar

    beautiful woman awesome graphics

  • avatar

    wicked game so many choices

  • avatar

    i like the game. i liked that u need different attributes to get different girls

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