College romance

Game rating 84.50%
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Comments (1132)

  • avatar

    I LOVE ASIANS. but this game is still a little too short.

  • avatar

    grate game , i like the idea.

  • avatar

    Best dating sim i ever played, please make more games like this one

  • avatar

    it was a great game but it was very difacult to set everything up so you could get the right ending.

  • avatar

    wow this game is really hard to beat

  • avatar

    got to fuck all three girls – great game – good graphics

  • avatar

    Here is how I finish the game with 3 girl available to pick up (and you could see all their sex scene too)

    day 1-2
    morning-midday: study english language @ class room
    evening: help sell merchandise @ shop

    day 3
    morning: study english language @ class room
    midday: drama classes @ library
    evening: help sell merchandise @ shop

    day 4-5
    morning-midday: drama classes @ library
    evening: help sell merchandise @ shop

    day 6
    morning: drama classes @ library
    midday: study science @ library
    evening: help sell merchandise @ shop

    day 7
    morning-midday: study science @ library
    evening: write short novels @ your apartment

    day 8
    morning-midday: study science @ library
    evening: buy stuff for yourself @ shop (red cap, cool shades, mp3 player)

    day 9-10
    morning-midday: tutor students @ library
    evening: buy a round for everybody @ dance club

    day 11
    morning-midday: tutor students @ library
    evening: write short novels @ your apartment

    day 12
    morning-midday: intensive workout @ gym
    evening: buy a round for everybody @ dance club

    day 13
    morning-midday: intensive workout @ gym
    evening: meet reiko (talk)

    day 14
    morning: intensive workout @ gym
    midday-evening: play basketball @ city center

    day 15
    morning-evening: play basketball @ city center

    day 16
    morning: meet reiko
    midday: play basketball @ city center
    evening: meet reiko

    day 17-21
    morning: meet reiko
    midday: meet kendra
    evening: meet reiko
    (should activate sexscene with reiko at day 21)

    day 22-25
    morning: meet naomi
    midday-evening: meet kendra
    (should activate sexscene with kendra at day 25)

    day 26
    morning: meet naomi
    midday: help sell merchandise @ shop
    evening: meet naomi

    day 27
    morning: meet naomi
    midday: buy presents for girls @ shop (box of chocolates, fancy flower)
    evening: meet naomi + give gift (box of chocolates)

    day 28
    morning: meet naomi
    midday: free activity (you can do anything)
    evening: meet naomi + give gift (fancy flower)

    day 29
    morning: meet naomi
    midday: free activity (you can do anything)
    evening: meet naomi
    (should activate sexscene with naomi today)

    day 30
    exam day, choose one girl to take with you

    When I say meet a girl, you would do interaction like talk, compliment, flirt, etc. Here is important guide about it:
    Relationship level:
    0-4 >> talk only
    5-19 >> previous action + compliment
    20-49 >> previous actions + touch
    50-99 >> previous actions + flirt + kiss
    100-149 >> previous actions + massage thigh
    150-… >> previous actions + grab boobs + sex scene (sex scene automatically popped up when you reach 150)
    do all interaction available with a girl as explained above

  • avatar

    Raiko`s cosplay looks wierd but great gameplay thou

  • avatar

    I like the gameplay
    though it`s very hard to focus on everything that`s happening

  • avatar

    really hard to focus on everything, looks like have to choose hot girls 😛

  • avatar

    nice game fun with hot girls

  • avatar

    hot girls or studying its a hard choice… i went with the girls i probably should have split it evenly

  • avatar

    I enjoy these rpg-esque formats where you can choose which stats to increase. It would be great to see the aspect expanded and the opportunities increased.

  • avatar

    This game is awesome, i love the girls in this but i dont know if it is just me but save does not work.

  • avatar

    not too difficult, not too easy

  • avatar

    The game is so sexy and the graphic

  • avatar

    A really nice game ! I enjoyed playing it. Nice graphisms, sounds and gameplay. It can just seems a bit long or hard to be able to get all the three girl. Better follow the walkthrough if you want to get the three as once !

  • avatar

    Don`t know why, but the right down buttons are not working

  • avatar

    fantastic game great graphics realy hot girls

  • avatar

    Great game play. Should should make a premium similar to it

  • avatar

    nice graphic, nice girls

  • avatar

    its okay i wish its a lesbian game but its not

  • avatar

    thanks guys.for this pretty good game

  • avatar

    really fun, kind of hard tough.

  • avatar

    very neat game i enjoyed it a lot

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