Claire: The exchange student

Game rating 85.30%
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Comments (918)

  • avatar

    Good game, seem like more can be added as time goes on

  • avatar

    good quality and game really sexy

  • avatar

    Very good game, i found every end

  • avatar

    good graphics, preaty girls, even the music is nice… could be a little bit longer (more sex scenes).

  • avatar

    Good story, but would love more play-options

  • avatar

    Really good game. I loved the graphics, but it could have been a little more challenging.

  • avatar

    The girls are attractive but there are too few sex scenes, there is no real challenge to the game, the dating series from play force one have always been top notch, they are enjoyable for being sexy, providing variety, having challenges, and having a lot of sex scenes … so … let`s see some more like them or of them!!!!! This one barely kept my interest to play twice.

  • avatar

    Really nice girls, hot scenes and cool grafics.

  • avatar

    feels great to play such a sexy game and nice graphics to

  • avatar

    great game, to bad that there is no threesome

  • avatar

    Fun game to play, lots of sexy energy throughout! As always the art and design work are excellent. The scenario and text are more interesting than the last few games. The added element of making a choice before the clock ran out added excitement and urgency to the game play. This is a winner, I think.

  • avatar

    Fun and really well designed. More endings would have been a plus, but the whole story and the final blowjob are really sexy.

  • avatar

    personally, i did not like it…. I believe it was too long adn rarely errotic…. please make a better game, my dick needs to be stroked…. no way to fuck on this game… only 2 lesbian scenes, 1 bj and 2 bad ends…
    Disappointing 🙁

  • avatar

    loved the game…got bored with last few games….finally smthng gud…

  • avatar

    This games are getting better and better the more they do. This one is nearly my favorite one.

  • avatar

    feels great to play such a sexy game and nice graphics to

  • avatar

    i like it i wish it more games like this its like the sims

  • avatar

    The game is preety hot.I liked it.

  • avatar

    Endings in no particular order:

    Cri de C??ur (Cry of Heart) – bad ending
    A Chacun Son Go??t (To Each His Taste) – BJ ending
    Coup de Foudre (Love at First Sight)
    La Vie Normale (Normal Life) – “most normal” ending
    Folie ?  Deux (Folly of Two) – 100% “lesbianized” ending

    will re-play (again) to put in all methods to get endings…

  • avatar

    the cursor moves better than on the other games,and claire is a jewel

  • avatar

    claire is redhot, i still cant get the threesome though,do we have to be members to get kelly?,its looong overdue that one.

  • avatar

    Great game, I wish there would have been an option for full fledged threesome

  • avatar

    nice game but still too short

  • avatar

    I liked the game, it was better than the last few ones in terms of gameplay. Almost going back to what worked. I did think there should have been a few more scenes before the ending, but no big deal, its was fun!

  • avatar

    I think the game is to short though

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