Charm Point Part One
Game rating
Comments (373)
it great and fun just click.
pretty good, animation was best part tho. too easy
easy game , explains what to do 🙂 bit short
Oh yeah what a hot game. very nice
Super girl a WOW big milk boobs
she has really big boobs. just to big
The game was a little generic. but it was ok.
I wasnt real wild about charm point. A little genaric.
should add sound effects instead of just music
Could have used a few more sounds other then the music, but overall not to bad.
it great and fun just click.
Is the next part out yet?
nice spot lot of mouse clik
Game is awsome. when is the next part.
nice game, bit repetitive with clicking but overall a good game with some nice positions
probably could be better in 3d but nice graphics
Goodgame could use more detail.
kinda boring and repetitive but the graphics are good.
Cute game! maybe add little captions if muted?
Thiz game iz pretty gud I never new a chick can cum out her titties thoe
good game but a little bit boring, nice graphic though
nice game ,little bit boring but the girl is so sexy ,her boobs are very big
pretty hot looking chick but the game itself was a but sad
ive seen better games, have passed the time better then this
Nice looking girl. It got kind of boring at the end.
Got to agree with rubudown more thinking about what to do would make it more interesting
Pretty good game but very easy and short
Pretty good game. Needs more action though.
Not too bad a game I think, nice to be able to play a little although a bit repeative
Nice game, though graphics could be better
fairly easy to play, nice graphics though
a little booring but nice 2d game
The game was pretty good. I liked it.
good game , but an too easy one
was`nt to crazy about this game. to simple and boring
excellent girl, nice teasing, but nothing challenging in here!
great game some great scenes mega boobs galore lets have some more of this please awesome looking babe
Good graphics on the game, but game play could be a little more inspired. Than you should play the original one it`s untranslated and there are 3 girls of different ages
Nice tease game. Maybe more challenging, it would be funnier
little bit boring :/ i prefere funny game
This was great, But really repetitive. Could use a little work.
good graphics but should have voices versus music
nice graphic, nice chick but a litle bit boring
ok, not my favourite type of game though, hot girl
It was OK, kinda boring by the end though
Not bad, could use more variety of things to do though
Good Start, but the ending is kinda boring
game and graphics looks nice..
although at times gets a little boring..
good when you get it right when you play the game