Casino of passion
Game rating
Comments (190)
One hot lady. How about some more stories with her.
Another great LoP, thank ya
nice like allways !! so sexy, but too short
Love the graphis but I lack sound :/
Also a bit too easy, it was really obvious… But over all good game, keep em coming!
This was a bit short, and to the point. Only 2 “good” endings though. #3, and #5 were the “She comes back for more” endings. It seemed more set for the PWP types. 75% is the best I could rate this time.
It was an alright game not the best.
another great game and like to see more and even more sexier
good graphics and story but it could be longer
Nice as usual. Nothing extraordinary, but worth playing.
The game wasn`t up to the usual standards here imo. The characters weren`t drawn as well as in previous games. Or perhaps I just prefer the previous type of characters? Plus the story line was too much like the one from the movie Indecent Proposal. I prefer the depth of some of the previous games like Jordan. I would have found the game more interesting if the writing supported the turmoil of the woman`s character as she at least appears to entertain this different life with a man not her husband so all of a sudden. A bit difficult to show I suppose when the game appears to have been intended as a shorter game than some of the previous efforts.
very very beautifull game and graphic.
Love the graphis but I lack sound :/
Also a bit too easy, it was really obvious… But over all good game, keep em coming!
lovely game and i like the good created persons. just there misses only sounds of the women when they are having sex
very good like always but a bit to short. good graphic and storyline. keep up good work
awesome game, great graphics and game play
and enjoyed the 4 endings i`ve found 🙂
The same usual great work from LOP. Graphics top notch as usual :). Maybe next time we can customise the male avatar a little?
Totally hot chick, pretty easy, and fairly fast to play.
I enjoyed this game. I liked the fact that there where different ending and I have got all of them but one
great graphics and an excellent storyline
Different from the games I am used to playing on this site. Interesting.
not bad overall – end game comes too quick – like he does! Need to get a better feel for the game.
Great walkthrough! Managed to get all 5 endings!
Here is how to get all 5 endings
George, its refreshing to meet a couple so openly in love. congratulations.
Just enough to keep my fathers forbes rating from being too high. the sacrifices of a devout son.
Come on, george – you`ve got lady luck herself sitting on you side, give her a chance.
End 2
George, its refreshing to meet a couple so openly in love. congratulations.
Not at all. It`s just that i enjoy taking my chances.
Come on, george – you`ve got lady luck herself sitting on you side, give her a chance.
Hey, if you are that set against it, you could just pay up. double or nothing, wasn`t it.
George, its refreshing to meet a couple so openly in love. congratulations.
Not at all. It`s just that i enjoy taking my chances.
Come on, george – you`ve got lady luck herself sitting on you side, give her a chance.
Tough luck, hon: i am going to put that gag reflex to the test.
A woman as attractive as you are… i am sure you have had enough “experiences”
Add blue pill to his glass
Move the mouse up and down her thigh untill the bar fills up
I don`t think you understand your situation: i won you, you are mine. tonight, you will obey.
Move the mouse up and down her thigh untill the bar fills up
So, the slave has demands of its master? i think you don`t understand what you`ve gotten into.
There,s no need to think about that, just come to me and let yourself feel.
How is it, vivian? enjoying our meeting sofar?
Come here, i need to taste you.
I cant hold back, vivian, i need you to suck my cock. now!
Move the mouse left and right untill the bar fills up
Gods,vivian, you are breathtaking.
Lick her pussy
Sorry hon, ididn`t meant to make you uncomfortable.
Hmmm, a marvelouse prospect, but first i`d like to… experiment.
Vivian! i am offended by that insinuation!
Move the Banana in and out of her pussy
Vivian, iam going to bend you over, grab your hips and ram my cock inside of you.
Move the mouse left and right untill the bar fills up
End 4
George, its refreshing to meet a couple so openly in love. congratulations.
Not at all. It`s just that i enjoy taking my chances.
Come on, george – you`ve got lady luck herself sitting on you side, give her a chance.
Tough luck, hon: i am going to put that gag reflex to the test.
A woman as attractive as you are… i am sure you have had enough “experiences”
Tell me the truth: don`t you find this exciting? don`t you want me?
Aren`t you out of george`s league? how did he manage to bag you?
Add blue pill to his glass
Move the mouse up and down her thigh untill the bar fills up
Hey, no need to be so tense, viv. really, i plan for both of us to enjoy everything.
Move the mouse up and down her thigh untill the bar fills up
That is quite reasonable,viv, i don,t see us having any trouble with these rules.
There,s no need to think about that, just come to me and let yourself feel.
How is it, vivian? enjoying our meeting sofar?
Come here, i need to taste you.
Well, it`s hardly fair that you are the only one who strips in here.
Kiss her breasts
Take her pants down
Gods, vivian, you are breathtaking.
Lick her pussy
Sorry hon, i didn`t meant to make you uncomfortable.
As much as you want me to.
Vivian, iam going to bend you over, grab your hips and ram my cock inside of you.
Move the mouse left and right untill the bar fills up
George, its refreshing to meet a couple so openly in love. congratulations.
Not at all. It`s just that i enjoy taking my chances.
Come on, george – you`ve got lady luck herself sitting on you side, give her a chance.
Tough luck, hon: i am going to put that gag reflex to the test.
A woman as attractive as you are… i am sure you have had enough “experiences”
Add ecstasy pill to vivian`s glass
Move the mouse up and down her thigh untill the bar fills up
Hey, no need to be so tense, viv. really, i plan for both of us to enjoy everything.
Move the mouse up and down her thigh untill the bar fills up
That is quite reasonable,viv, i don,t see us having any trouble with these rules.
There,s no need to think about that, just come to me and let yourself feel.
How is it, vivian? enjoying our meeting sofar?
Come here, i need to taste you.
Well, it`s hardly fair that you are the only one who strips in here.
kiss her breasts
take her pants down
Gods,vivian, you are breathtaking.
lick her pussy
Sorry hon, ididn`t meant to make you uncomfortable.
Hmmm, a marvelouse prospect, but first i`d like to… experiment.
Let`s just say i made sure your experiences tonight would be… enhanced.
Move the candle in and out of her ass
Baby, what do you say about experimenting some more? how about i finger your ass?
Move the finger in and out of her ass
Move the mouse left and right to fuck her ass
I`ve gotten 4 of the endings, how does one get the Thrillseeker ending?
Great game, great graphics and dialogs, got all 5 endings very soon
all my endings are the same. No variation. this either does not work for a Mac,
or it is the stupidiest game ever
Great game, good plot, Vivian is hot! Easy game play. How about continuing the story with a shower scene? keep up the great work.
very nice game, nice graphics and wonderful girl!
good work as always guys. nice story and the chick is HOT!
Another quality game from LoP. This one however was too short. The graphics were up to the high standard that have come out in previous games. Would like to have one of their games have a perpective from the woman again.
nice girl easy game play but once again no sound should have had her play the shy wife thing more endings all lame a post card type ending .next time more from womans point of view would be nice
Good game. She is very sexy. havnt gotten all the ending yet. it a bit short.
great game but i can`t seem to get the last ending
Nice game, I managed to get all the endings aside from A First of Many – any pointers?
Nice game and funny !! Good job
Nice graphisme and funny game
The game is great. good story and graphics.
1179g, u must give her arousal pills den go for experiment with candle, den finger her ass…den u carry on..
Good game as normal, sexy girl, nice game play, 9/10.
The 5 final is Thrill Seeker
a bit hard at first,till you find the answers but then it loosens up nicely and the graphics are ok,but its farfrom my favoriter game.Allrigth though
Great game and got 4 out of the 5 endings as I can`t figure out how to get the fifth one.
1 is Money Talks
2 is R-E-S-P-E-C-T
3 is A First of Many
and 4 is Karma`s a Bitch
Found four of the endings can`t get number 4 Thrill Seeker
can anyone please give the path to the other endings ? I am always getting ending 1. The artwork is class as usual but the gameplay is too short. I like longer and teasing game play than the shorter ones.
nice graphics but for bad luck sounds are missing
ITs a standard LoP Quality game. Nothing outstanding, but far far away from beeing bad. The drawings are nice and hot, the animation a little bit sloppy sometimes, but its worth playing.
wish it could have been longer and wilder
Another ending!!!! Best one yet.
I tried to use reason instead of logic to get through first part, it took awhile. Once past the first part a very enjoyable game.
Loved the game….too much intro but great game play once you get past the intro….still looking forward to more Kelly adventures