Brons Quest: Reasonably Beta

Game rating 65.40%
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Comments 47



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Comments (47)

  • avatar

    Sex scene way too short for time put in

  • avatar

    cool idea, but seem to be hitting bugs all the time

  • avatar

    The game has a good story and good graphics.

  • avatar

    this game is nice and i loved to play it

  • avatar

    I like how they make joke and that they talk about the real world. Can`t wait for the full game.This is not really a game at all – just somebody`s not very good attempt to write a visual novel. I could write a better script myself, but it would still be a waste of time. Don`t give up your day job!

  • avatar

    click click click click. Who wants to read all These dia´logs?

  • avatar

    great graphics and gameplayrn

  • avatar

    Now I`m confused. So the beta means that is actually still in beta? and not part of the title of the game?rnrnAnyway, love the 4th wall breaking in this game.

  • avatar

    Looking forward to the next installment in this series

  • avatar

    A interesting game with a good story. Excited for next update!

  • avatar

    Pretty funny game. Graphics not bad, interesting sex scenes

  • avatar

    Good game and storyline, and nice graphics

  • avatar

    Interesting game to play, only graphics to be more illusive…

  • avatar

    mediocre game (still in beta),nice sense of humor but still a lot have to change to become good

  • avatar

    Funny game with a fast sex scene

  • avatar

    Has potential but spends way too much time trying to be entertaining without doing anything and has random instances of racism for no reason other than… I guess they felt they needed to be edgey since the game is pretty light on the steamy content.

  • avatar

    Love the humour in this game, can`t wait for the full version!

  • avatar

    This is not really a game at all – just somebody`s not very good attempt to write a visual novel. I could write a better script myself, but it would still be a waste of time. Don`t give up your day job!

  • avatar

    thats a useless game….too many useless scenes and no interesting features

  • avatar

    Seriously? Can`t even go to Old Town like the game directs you to unless this crap is part of the whole “Beta” joke. For what I was able to play, funny but pointless.

  • avatar

    I like how they make joke and that they talk about the real world. Can`t wait for the full game.

  • avatar

    STOP with the shit games please rn

  • avatar

    Interesting and funny game, a lot of dialogue. Still in beta so it could turn out great

  • avatar

    Interesting game and story, really good designs. Waiting to see more of it and get all the endings 😀

  • avatar

    light on the sex but funny and interesting, pity its still in beta, needs more content

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