Britney Dress Up
Game rating
Comments (165)
this game gameplay is nice
i`m stuck in this game in those tits please help me
i like this game!Nice graphics!
this game could use more interaction
hots girls makes this game superb
no interaction
its bad! dont like it
cool game, but nothing special =(
sexy =D
hot and sexy game like it tooo much
Better if you could choose her entire outfit
good graphics but too fast animations
bored but graphic and animations ok
interessant style , need more interaction
bored game and isnt funny for me.
Not my kind of game, but nice work. 🙂
Britney is beautifully designed, too bad she doesn`t have more games.
Very cute. I would like to see her in an arcade game.
nice animation and great graphics
Not bad for wasting time….
good game but needs more in it
Not much of a game here…not enough options
good and cool game with nice grpahics
excuse me but this is a dress-up game thats senseless for me. this game dossent have a target, and a target is what mades a good game i think.
Decent game but I feels like it should need more options.
I thought this was very cute and simple. I love the design and smile; that creates a very positive feeling lacking from some the games here. And I love that there are different shoes for each look! Very good detail. It would be fun if she could go out in her different looks and walk around, get reactions. But a very cute little production.
This game was a change of pace. It was a nicely designed little game. Great graphics through out, and the modeling of each outfit was great. Just too short and maybe a little more outfits needed.
The game is funny, but other than that not really all that great.
The animation is top notch, I do wish there were more options of dressing Britney. While I enjoyed the dance when she tries on each outfit it does become repetitive.
The dumbest thing about this game is that her motions behind the screen are the same no matter what outfit she is putting on (she pulls something up both legs even when you pick the nude option). I`ve generally avoided dress up games because I thought they would be somewhat pointless. This game confirmed my suspicion. Maybe it would be interesting to see if the game could be done with a real girl?
honestly this game is way too short and takes too much time to do nothing. there should be a heck of a lot more to this like more clothes, less wasted time, and more interaction.
im not a big fan of dress up games
I like dress up game but…
Too less clothes!
This game can be summed up in one word – – BORING.
besides the fact that some dress-up games are funny, Britney`s series is my favorite
yeah ok its funny and nice to view ;D
… never liked these games…
i always liked these britneys 😀
funny games..but to much wait!!can make boring!!!
so stupid game…. i have only to wait… not good
Kind of funny that she appears to be putting something on when she`s naked
boring and not interesting
need more choices on outfits.
great game..but..feels like it should need more options, :/
Blah. Same poses and sequence. For the waste of time that was, the one thing that intrigued me was that the developer put effort into the curtain blowing in the animation.
The changing of clothes takes too long. It`s fun from other dress up games… but everytime it`s taking too long imo.
Dress-up games are always fun
this was an ok game not enough though
ok series but needs more erotic moves
im not a big fan of dress up games, but it was ok
nice game beautiful movements
Not my ideal gaming format but worth a go.
This game needs more outfits and posibility to mix clothes, good graphs tho