Blackjack with Veronica
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Comments (883)
The interface needs tweaking. Veronica is a desirable woman, and I echo other posts in saying that we wish to do more to and with her in-game.
it`s rather interesting to play with such a girl in this game
Very short Game with an Nice girl. i win in 10 Minutes 🙂
Realy a nice game. Its only counting if you win, not on the money.
Nice games, bautiful girl. Good interface. liked it
Nice Game but it could let you see the photos once you win.
nice game, but a bit too easy..
This game Smells very badly 🙁
nice game, but the game progress is not depends form the money earned
the game is very interesting and very hot
good graphics, after winning photos should be completely visible.
difficult game, but nice graphics
Quite a good game. Although, higher bets would be more convienent.
overall good game, but could really use a max bet and higher quantity bets
Nice blackjack game thanks
Nice blackjack game. Veronica is amazingly beautiful. Game lacked sound or any video, either would be nice. Maybe for the ending of the game you could use your winnings to have sex with her, or buy her implants or something interesting like that to make it a less typical card game.
Beautiful model! Gameplay is simple.
Gameplay was a tad odd. Being that winning was based on hands won and not amount won. Also didn`t end at any point. I was at 107% complete. I am a tad confused by that.
nice game
nice girl but only one not enought
it will better if we can win videos
none or less very nice black jack game
very nice game girl is beautiful.
Any way to hide the user interface ^^?
pretty straightfoward game , especially for black jack lovers (:
good game, no need to discuss about graphics
The animation is good, but too slow for this type of game, where you just want to play the hands out quickly.
Overall a bit boring, and the blackjack component is pretty pointless when the money you earn means nothing except as some sort of high score. At least if there was a ranking of most money earned it might mean something.
Really needs music and/or sound as well.
Beautiful model! Gameplay is simple.
Nice game, plays as it should, a little odd that it goes off of hands instead of chips. Good looking girl too. Liked it overall.
difficult game but still interesting
Nice game. Good animation.
Good game, kinda slow though, wish the cards kicked out faster.
Not to bad, I like the graphics too.
I love this girl! best blackJack game in a while.
well,it`s ok,but i`ve played better black jack games yet
good game hot dont normaly like card games
Nice pictures, not too difficult…
Nice pix of a sexy lady – good game
This game is just awesome. i love hot girls and i love blackjack 🙂
Pity that it is based on winning hands, nice pics.
Note that progress is based on winning hands, not number of chips. Trust me, you don`t want to be trying to click up a 24,000 bet more than once.
good game but it is to easy and takes a while to get to the end
have to agree good graphics , beautiful girl , can get boring ..too few chips to play with
I love this game Very nice
i like this game and the girl
like that it saves progress but i don`t seem do like it at all.
needs a little improvement on graphics but still a good game
good game its nice that you dont lose progression if u dont win
great game with good photos and you don`t lose progress when you lose a hand
This game is OK at best. You need to add some music at least.
excellent game but there is a little problem with it… you can get over the 100% and whatever the amout of money you bet… you increase your percentage the same way
Good game, small betting not worth bothering with.
Gamaplay is quite easy, game is fast picture and graphics are great. Maybe there is an opportunity to modify bet system and awards…