Blackjack with Veronica
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Comments (883)
this was a great game. good graphics, nice stroy and the girl is so hot.
Good blackjack game. takes a while to win, amount of bet doesnt affect prugress. could use a bet max button
very beautiful Veronica =)
great game, i love me a good game of blackjack, and especially with a girl like that
nice game but unsure when it ends.
Ok, but has some weaknesses. Mostly, you have to win a huge amount of money, so winning will take a long time. In fact, your best option is just to bet all your money each time and then accept a game over if you lose. Betting in smaller amounts, as you would in Blackjack, will make it take forever.
playing cards is always fun its always the luck of the draw:-) with a spicy view to go along with it ..fair to good ….
liked it a lot thought it would be longer then it was fun though
simply wow! nice girl, pretty easy win
The game will be better if you can see the girl without obstracls
the game was fun wish could get a great dealer like her wow….
great game wish I would see a dealer like that in the casino
very easy since you can just bet all your money in the fist game and if you win you can afterwards always bet 1$ and it`s basically inpossible that you will run out of money.
I suck at Blackjack so this game was difficult !
This game is really cool, I like it. Graphics are awesome
the girl is hot but its to easy to play
the game is cool at first but you start to lose interest in the first 7 minutes
Once you realize you only have to win and not reach certain money milestones, it get`s pretty easy. HOT!
great game ice graphics wows
cool game I love blackjack and hot girl just makes it better
enjoyable game play, gorgeous girl, good way to pass time.
You can`t go wrong with blackjack and a hot woman.
Game seems a little buggy
black jack is fun nice game
Blackjack is my favorite card game, and this girl is beautiful. Amazing game.
really good game, hot girl
Nice Pictures, But I wish there was more risk involved in the game. Besides self-imposed risk.
A bit hard, but maybe i just suck.
Good game. It`s like strip poker black jack. Who cares about the money
Doesn`t matter how much you`re betting for so high risk doesn`t equal high reward
This girl was absolutely gorgeous with seductive eyes. however the black jack aspect was kind of intense to be completely honest
First, the girl goes from “first time playing blackjack with aweful luck” to “grandmaster with a rabbit`s foot.”
However, that`s all cool, because how much you bet does not matter at all in the game. So, when she started winning like crazy (I had 20 and she hit 4 times to get 21, which is about as likely as me inheriting Bill Gates` fortune), I just started betting $1 and beat the game.
All that said, when I got to the gallery, I can`t press the forward button.
The girl is pretty enough. I just think she got undressed a bit too quickly.
Graphically nice, beautiful girl… but needs a `Bet Half` and `Re-bet` button… also higher denomination chips. ie; 1k, 5k etc.
Good game with very nice graphics.
Good game width stunning girl.
A nice game with good graphics and interesting lineups….
Great model but the wagering system seems useless
gameplay was nice and smooth not too easy not to hard like any card game, and graphics/animation were perfect for a strip style game.
this game was awesome and the girl was hot
Unintriguing to say the least. The female isn`t too pretty and the gameplay is overly cliche.
Beutifulll ,this is what i wanttt .Give mee moreee
hot girl, fun little game, but why does it have `1` cards instead of aces?
Great Game, nice graphics
I love that kind of games keep it on
also love graphics
I love these games because it mixes between gambling and sex (perfect mix)
Logic? You play the odds. Not that difficult a game to play.
Images do stay when you`re busted, and you can get into debt – gives a warning about real gambling sites – interesting.
i lose always, veronica is amazing
fun game but the end wasn`t worth the continued effort
The girl makes blackjack a slutty game. I love it!