Blackjack with Veronica
Game rating
Comments (883)
great game, awesome chick good for black jack players
Nice graphic and beautiful girl^^. keep it up!!!
nice very nice i love woman is easy but interesting
was ok, needs ALOT higher bet amounts compared to the final goal.
didnt enjoy it,not a great game,model isn`t great either
Pretty easy game, probably needs higher bet amounts.
I wonder why I should risk betting big money if you can only progress 3 or 4 % at a time even if you win a big bet. But still a nice time killer though 🙂
this is amazing. such good graphics. not bad veronica
great game. Easy to play. And the girl is beautiful
some of the pics seem to be out of sequence and you can`t scroll far enough to see the whole pic.
does it make any difference how much money you win? i got progress to 103% and the pic hadn`t changed since 50%, odd.
naked girl and card game! NICE
game is OK, great looking girl
Sexy model, good photos
Poker would be better than blackjack
Cool game though could do with more sexy pics
great game. could use more girls though
good game, could use some more pics
Sexy games good graphics
the game was fun just wish you could see more of the picture without having to move the mouse around
interesting game but pictures are not in the nice sexy order
sexy and pretty good graphics
annoying that you cant see whole pic as the girl is hot…but overall it was worth playing
nice game nice pics but not in any order
Good game, but holy crap! There are… so… many… bugs!
nice game though it`s not my favourite kind
is good because it easy and there are a ot of pictures
Really hot girl. The game is so long though, and gets really repetitive. Not nearly enough hotness to keep your attention. Plus to move anywhere you have to bet big, and when you bet big you can also lose big
Good graphics, good model, nice flow to game, much better quality than others I`ve seen.
game play ok graphic ok animation ok could be better if the game controls and displays did not covered up the pics
The blackjack game part was okay. For those who want to bet more money, just click on the chips more than once. BUT — girl was okay, hated the cursor, and the worst part was that the game controls and displays covered up the pics?!?!?! That`s pretty stupid.
This game seems filled with bugs… too hard to win.
Its much better than the other blackjack games. Hot chick and excellent strip moves
Larger dollar amounts to choose from when placing bets would be nice.
the game plays too slow and the cursor is really annoying. 3/10
game is quite good even if it takes a while to reach 100%. however the game could do with a view mode to see the whole picture on game screen
an okay game. Standard Blackjack, but I don`t like the game interface. hard to look at whole the picture
nice game, but a bit too easy..
Good game, once you get into it, it goes very fast and with maximum pleasure
Wish there was a button to make everything but the picuture disappear.
Wow, I like new games (: , keep doing this good job
easy game just bet 25 all the time but swmall pics so u can see all of her and more please as well
good game but it seems she doesn`t loos very often…
Good game, small betting not worth bothering with.
Nice game. love the graphic
Game just to long
great looking girl, having small chips useless
good game, no need to discuss about graphics 🙂
concerning gameplay: a 1000$ button would have been great
Wow, I like new games (: , keep doing this good job
it`s ok, a bit hard, but playable.
didnt feel like blackjack… dunno maybe i play to much blackjack and poker in real life
this game has amazing pictures and graphics