Black Jack with Janice
Game rating
Comments (616)
not too good not too bad. average game
I didn`t even get to see one vide
The videos of the girl are done nicely, though a bit grainy. The model herself looks hot! The last video does not work, maybe an error or something, when clicked just plays the previous video “Tits Moving.”
Oh and if you do run out of money, just press `Play Again` buy the common plan in the new game and click on the video, you don`t have to pay for the ones you`ve already bought in the previous round.
Good game, thanks!
Kinda like this game. I`m sorry at blackjack, but it`s good
nice graphics but just like vegas its hard to beat the house
Cool game, nice animations, actually didn`t find it so hard to beat… probably i`m pretty lucky.
This game is little too hard but has nice animation.
great game graphics excellent
had an error with the last video but not a bad game
The house is tough but the videos are great
nice graphics but just like vegas its hard to beat the house
i prefer other games over gambling games actually
Hm not this good in my opinion.
Graphics are nice, but could be better. Also gamesplay is as in all bj games crap.
Awsome graphics…but was let down w/ what the screen play was…I expected more..
well it`s quite nice but thats it.
Last two videos are even the same. Bug!!?
at least you keep you`re achievments…
Great game, goods graphics, thanks !!!
Great animations for the payoffs. but the dealer seems to win more often than not
Dealer or in this game dialer is ridiculously lucky
the best and the harder strip jack i`ve ever played.
the animations are really good
Really nice game like the graphic. go on with it =)
this game made me really horny! videoclips are great and it`s a blackjack game, but is quite difficult to finish… Mark: 9
Standard Black Jack game, but with some nice animations as rewards instead of static pictures.
Apart of “dialer” and “dial” in place of “dealer” and “deal”, the blackjack game is weak.
decent game, def stacked against the player
Dealer or in this game dialer is ridiculously lucky.
its alousy game most black jack series are boring
It`s alright, I would like to be able to split and double down. Also it`s spelled “deal” not “dial”.
all ways fun to play some cards and not bad to get nice strip pics for your winnings.
games wasnt too bad just needed more time
eh games pretty boring i mean blackjack how can you lose at this
Last video ain`t working, kind of boring game… and video quality could be better
hot girl but the videos were too short. the last video didn`t work. if you change your bet often it seems to help
The game is def. stacked against the player.
and hey, we all like big titties, but what`s up with game designers and their obsession with abnormaly gigantic titties?
really boring game, but nice girl
Hate this game but the girl is hot!
Card games, I wish you could improve anoter strip poker game, with 3D girls, more erotic I must say, but a great game is here, congratulations!
Hate this game. Odds are stacked toward the “DIALER” (and what`s up with that spelling, anyway). Played this game four or five times, can`t win. I thought the idea was to see pics, not lose at blackjack. And yes, I know how to play the game.
This game is too difficult. Good game
anyone having problems winning, simply change your bet every 4-5 hands, seems to make your hands better, and remember, the dealer hits on anything under 16, stands on 17+…
definitely a game that is going places, but I agree with earlier post …. too expensive and odds are definitely not in players` favor
like these games and poker games hope more is coming
Nice chick, but too expensive to get stuff.
Hard game as odds never seem with you, prefer poker games.
very nice girl neds to be in more games. definately recommending this one.
great game, but hard to play
I got the same problem… Cant start the last video…
great game great girl great everything
this is a really hot girl! hope we see more games with her.grrrr!!!
Nice game like the graphics
Grafics are really coming along. The girl is hot! couldnt get the last video to play