Behind the Dune
Game rating
Comments (30)
very hard game to play… don`t know what to do
I don`t think I ever expected to see a Dune porn parody game, but here it is.
this story was good but game play suxrn
I had a hard time with this game. seemed to be a great story with nice graphics but I dident get to far will have to play again later.
Simple gameplay. Great graphics and girls.
This is my new favorite game. I love it so much
This game is boring and stupid
this is an old version, he`s undated it but hasn;t made it free anymore past 14.3 its up to 2.2 now on his pateron
it was a great game, better than i expected, even though the desert remind me of the Mad Max universe. I recommand it
Decent game, if a bit short. Felt like the princess should get a different sex scene, left me wanting for more
This is a cool game it was better than what I expected just from looking at the main picture
really enjoy this game just wish the creator would of continued updating this game and added sound
a very good game but the sexscenes could have been better.
Some nice story and fucking both the princess and my wife was off the hook
Awesome gameplay fantastic grpahics very hot girlsrnrn
this game is fun and easyrn
this game openend my eyes rn
Interesting game, it has some cool art as well
good graphics and characters, is very cool
Almost forgot, the version hosted here isn`t the latest. It doesn`t give you some of the bonus scenes. You`ll have to find a more up-to-date version somewhere else. Moderators are probably going to get made at me for this (sorry) but I forgot to mention it, and the missing scenes are fun.
artwork is extremely good and a good concept as well.
Bear with me here… I can`t help but compare it to Army of Darkness. It`s dumb and ridiculous, but I love it. It`s great BECAUSE it`s dumb and ridiculous. You can play with boobs while you have a conversation and the characters get irritated but just roll with it. I really like this game.
Very Interesting, visuals were nice.
Great game just wish their well be a 2th
short story but not bad visuals its actually quite good game.rn
I love the movie I wish they had done a little bit more with this would have made it a 10 but still funrn
The game is nice, but has a slight lack of sexual content. The animations are wery well made, only the short story is a bummerrn
OK, kinda fun, yet not everyones cup of tea.
This game was cool I didn`t really expect much from lookin at the main picture but it surprised me they should definetly make a part 2
Cool game)))) Nice girl`s)
Story Line Is Very Good Sex Scenes Could Have Been Much Better… That Slutty Mother thorn
Simple work game where I have to work to do something.
This game was very exciting and I liked how you have to figure out ways to unlock new features for the game.
I think they should add another update or a game number 2 this game was great.
this game really surprised me, allot more fun than i expected
Needs to be a little longerrn
awesome animations and gameplay loved it . the story is too good.rn
I dont know what to say but do such games exisr
game was fun wish it was longer
Its a very funny and sexy game
Awesome Game, good graphics, nice game play.rn
good game, rather repetitive though
I loved the books and the game gives a sexy twist. Graphics could be much betterrn
really enjoyed this game, especially as it`s based upon the old Dune CDROM game i used to play a lot. great effort
I dont know how to play this game. It is very complicated.
this game is stunning keep up the good work
nice gameplay, i like it so much
Can some one tell how to get The Voice from Lady Jessica?
very cool game loved the moms titts
Ok game, could be more story and better for that matter, ok though