Beach fuck with Erin
Game rating
Comments (235)
Nice game. Would like sound
i dont get it …are these adult games ? whay are they censored ?
uncencer it and it would be awsome make it longer too
Good game, but short. And I hate the censured things.
great game and nice graphic
Nice Graphs. It is a shame that there is no audio at all and the genitals are censored. Could be a much better game.
Good game, needed audio, should not have been censored
Great game, but its kinda short. plus the game shouldn`t have any censoring at all. great animation. she`s really hot too.
cute sexxxxxxxxy little gaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeee
Nice game but I`m very dissapointed because the man PP is censored if this is a hentai game there not supposed to be censored .
short but sexy i want to fuck her again
a very erotic game to play
would have liked it better if it was uncensored
Another censored one, good graphics
Cool game, but hate the pixels
Great game, doesn`t need censure though
Good game with great animation but too short.
very short – too short – and pixels..
Very good graphics but i hate that pixels.
I really like the animation on this one, the graphics are pretty sweet too.
Nice little game, but thats it.
nice game i plat it again,again and again
this game is one of the best games, i love it
Short and sweet. Pretty basic.
to short and censored not good
Cool game. Little short but loved it. Loved the beach scene asswel.
Man that girl was animated really well. Great game. To short tho.
loved animation but whats with the sound?
this game is gool but very short
Its a good game just add some audio.
the game is to short but nice chick
It is short and easy but the censorship is really bothering.
great game, but it needs audio
Too short, and why the censoring??
animation is not bad but the censor portion and story too short are the bad parts
erin is mika resort boin episode 1 2 3
great game plus the animation is very good
its goob but really shouldnt of censored..
i don`t like parts censored, but nice girl
Yeah, the girl really rocks…..
Seriously? Why on earth would you censor this? The animation and graphics were great, making it an even bigger disappointment that they censored this. Also, there were a number of spelling errors in the talking sequence (not really important, but it always ticks me off).
censoring was no fun…boooo!
nice tits, but the censoring was pretty gay
Nice short one – why censor it?????
sexy girl, good animation but no censorship would be better
great game with awesome scenes but could be a little longer with more things to do
The game would be better off with no censorship and more options.
Good game ..But needs less censorship
too short, but great game, good looking girl, great sex, great storyline. Needs more drama.