Ashoka Blowjob
Game rating
Comments (260)
little bit boring because always do the same thinks when you close to end !
i love this game good graphic
A little funny, short game. Unfortunately limited action.
wow! really nice game, drawings are really well made, and sound is hot too.
thank you!!
the game is a good game and the anmations are too but you need lots of paitent
In a middle of this game, I was like “Is here an end or something?” but I was patient and resolt showed up. 🙂
I`d enjoy to see more of Star Wars Material, but eh… Makes me a geek I guess.
Not my favourite, but still ok.
not in to this kind of game i cant stand them
was not initially user friendly, but later understood, still not great because of poor graphics and inter play
Boring, seen one seen them all.
it`s a short game but it`s very realistic
I`m stuck at “make her take it in”
Help please.
love the graphics, but the game needs at least more position
nice game…i love this games
was there a point didnt get it
Right. Not really a game. I didn`t even like the one when the character was Rikku.
the game is too boring even though the graphics is good
good storyline and good graphics.
Another Re-skin. Although its a pretty good one.
i love this game! very hot
this game could be better…
i`ve already played this game befor and it wasent good the first time
it was an okay game. Graphics a bit sketchy. Other than recognizablbe characters, not much originality.
Good game for a laugh and good 5 mins, but boring after this and feels repetitive with the other games like it.
short, a bit boring, still funny to play if you have a minute or two
a bit boring.. graphics are ok
good are and funny game. I`d like to see more.
Funny game. But short. Nice control 🙂
too easy. you can`t make sth. wrong. Nice graphics but not interesting the second time
It`s true, this is like the others. It`s pretty much: do you like the character or not?
wow the force is strong with this one lol
same style as Spidy/blackcat but nice anyway
Asokas is so sexy wonderful game
It was ok i prefere 3d but this time it was ok
This is an awesome animation. Its a little short, but well worth the time to play
wow for such a short game this was actually intertaining
Good game and great graphics. For such a simple and short game its really enjoyable
any game that you can control the motion on is a good game
it was short but a funny game
should replace with a better game. boring
super grafic a super game 😛
more adventure these games too easy.
This game it`s too simple
it was ok. bad voicing though. overall good.
Ashoka`s syntax need work
the chick has got a cool mouth.. nice game…..
Good taste, easy but very visual game
Good reason for space travel