Ashoka Blowjob
Game rating
Comments (260)
its an ok game to pass the time
This Game is too simplistic and needs more effort put into it
Love this kind of game. We should see a version based off of naruto, avatar or some other famous cartoon!
This one keeps appearing everywhere
there are just way too many versions of this game
This one … just not good for a such great site like Play Force One.
this game is kind of stupid cosidering they have made so many versions
awesome graphics funny comentary great game
Well, this “game” plainly S U C K S, almost static action, good graphic (the only plus), and over all B O R I N G. This is definitely N O T the game I would place on such great portal as It just doesn`t measure up. To rate the game I would give it A Huge L I M P Dick. Greetings y`all.
good. but graphics could of been better
great fun ever mans dream
decent graphics but could use some more features
More of an interactive scene than a game.
More of a progression than a game. Not bad graphics for a toon, but the limited action and views for the player are disappointing.
the graphics could have been better
It`s okay, but it could use improvement on graphics
just like the other deeptrought games
I want my two minutes back 🙂
This is an old game. Different characters, same movement, same control, blah, blah, blah. Can`t there be something new while still focusing on a blow job?
old good game with new graphics
the game is ok but the speech can use some work it even used an ending line from final fellatio
The bad English is sort of a cock-block, but the graphics are better than Final Fallatio X-2
Great game but the text is a litte bit false
Well, for putting new graphics on a decent older flash (Final Fellatio X-2) I will give you 3/5. I`ve seen a better one (Spiderman) that actually put some thought into the dialog, and not some broken english ramble.
great game and good graphics
They could improve this games
Do not like the way the mouse cursor disappears during game play. sometimes difficult to judge.
Boring, boring. Nothing new and the good graphics and animations just go to waste with this.
just the same game done over and over again.. and it seems they put in less effort each time.
the same boring game as the other one
ok game. graphics are good but its way too simple, not enough story or alternative interaction
Her boobs are way to big, but the best one made by them.
this game is kind of boring pls inprove it
good animattion and simple game play
Its not fun and boring, no action
i think it is real cheap !!!
just a copy of the spiderman catwoman game
good animattion and simple game play
Great graphics whatsoever but the gamplay is quite boring…
I think this has the potental to be great, but alas it is hampered by repetitiveness and poor grammer
Amazing the first time I saw it, very exciting.
very boring.. and not fun at all.. could be better
Kind of boring, has potential though…
not of my favorites game, but graphics aew cool
Wierd there at the end where she mentions Rikku. What was that all about?
its ok but there mostly all the same
This game has good animation but it is too long for the little result in the end.
lol, the creators of this one didn`t remove all the dialogue from the Rikku version. Hahahaha
just too much repitition no real plot to game
Worst blowjob game ever! Incidentally, was the grammar intentionally bad or was that a mistake?