Arawaza Chun Uncensored
Game rating
Comments (279)
I don`t like this game. Sorry.
Game is very boring and leaves you not wanting to come back
nice pussy. But with the suit on you think she got a dick in it….
i don`t like this game, it`s too basic, with a bad graphic, and a low choise to do, and without sounds
found this game totally boring!!
not much interaction. its just plain boring..
Jeu sans grand interet malgres de bon graphique
short but with good graphics would like to see her in a longer game
very boring, not worth playing or even opening
Well that was a waste of time.
Weird indeed but…. ok. It`s not much to it.
graphics ok but a bit repetative
well this one was weird..
Not sure the object of the game.
great graphics but to simple a game
nice graphics but not much of a game.
I dont get it. Where is the game? no fun
Boored game , lost interest quick.
The game is realy very boring. There is not many to do, the animation is to fast repeading.. and the girl is.. absolute not normal.. cause of her breasts size.. for my personal a no go..
This games is awesome i like to get that girl in bed
Not exactly sure what the point of this game is.
too short could be more aktivities
this is great game… i loved so much…
Like the way the girl looks but there is no actually game play
nice graphics but no real game play
not a game I would play again. Why even post this as one of yours?
Not my cup of tea to be honest but interesting needs better drawing and sound imo.
more like an animated picture…but still good
it could have been better if it was a game
graphics nice
game boring
Nice look and great Action…i like it when you can do different thinks with the Girls.
Disappointing. Too short and not a lot of variety.
Whats the point?
Can´t see a game here.
and the girl is ugly.
That is three minutes of my life I will never get back.
too easy and not enough interaction.
Not that enjoyable, not even sure why it`s a teaser as the whole things seems over in about 10 seconds.
the graphics are bad. does this game have any end??
pretty basic, kinda lame if u ask me. Make a really game not a teaser.
Like the way the girl looks but there is no actually game play
Not a good game, Chun-Li deserves better
Too plain grphics and gamplay
I dont get it. Where is the game? no fun
Not a good game, you almost can`t do anything and a sound is bad.
i don`t understand is that are there is
way to basic
street fighter is a great game but this is boring
boring game not a lot of things to do
This is not even a game, it just an advertisement, so somebody will click the “more games” button.
boring game, graphics are done badly. I do not play it again
Bad game, short bad grafic and boring too
No challenge whatsoever. Not even bouncing boobies makes up for that. Though the anal beads were a nice touch.