Amazon Island
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Comments (107)
great game make you want to be a cast away
wow i rely wont a 2 ther one
awesome game. nice girls.
great game love the girls and graphics
simple gamplay and graphics but alright game
wow thats awsome gg i hope there is a full game soon
Short, but great that you don`t need to win to advance the story
cool nice game waiting to be continue lustful
good game was very well made
Great game, .but incomplete.
Nice game, Cool graphics and girls
Nice art and decent animation, though I would I suggest some indicator where to attack/defend each round to make the outcome non-random. I like that losing still leads somewhere.
Great POV on the first sex scene. Second could be a lot stronger or maybe different for each girl.
sexy africans dude… awesome as usual
Great game but i wish they had moans in during the sex and not just music.
Great Game should continue game to fuck the others
I thought this game would be much longer by the way the story started, I thought it would have been better if it was longer
fun gme, but isn`t complete
its quite okay though despite for being a simple game
Low quality game play with short play as well make for a low score. Sorry but not the best offered
A little short and could have done a little better than to duplicate on girl and just change the skin color.
The game is good but very short
The amazon girls were hot but the game was too short and boring
why thise game is so short and were is the seqond part of the game 🙁
lovely graphics and beautiful sex scenes
game is ok animations could be better
fun game, i like the animations
Games easy to finish but it`s hard to can choice the girl we want because the battle are totally ramdomed !
well, the gameplay was fairly simple, but i totally love the fantasy/idea behind this one.
graphics and animation were okay. 🙂
not a bad game played better
Simple game…but way to short! What happen to the queen?
it is a fanny game but a little small, thanks for the game
Extremely short, the combat segment was a bit rock, paper, scissory and the scene felt like a sub section of a different, larger game.
this game is very good, its creator always pike in this glamor me
not the best I have played, the graphics arent that good and the story aint long either
Game was fun, specially girls` fight.
the game was a little too fast…wish it was longer
i think the graphics are great.
overly simple. not too bad.
Well… The game is great… but it is way too short
this game is fucking awsum……
Nice Graphiks and the fight is… cute. haha
Far too short….. hope that is just a teaser for more to come! yeah
The story needs more time to develop. While the two scenes are good I don`t think the game should`ve been out yet. It`s way too short to build re-play value. That said, the game (or at least the part we have at the moment) was good -not amazing but still good.
The game`s a little on the short side, but the good graphics make up for that. Hope part 2 arrives soon.
It`s an ok game… moderate amount of graphics
i like the controls very simple but a little short and boring
I liked it. was hoping for a more intriguing game with so length but over all was a fun game to play
disapoinbted because is just a deme, hope full version appear
Its a nice little game. I quite like the shortness of it