Virtual Date – Sara
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Comments (1186)
To get boss ending, you need to download game, or it doesn`t work!!!
to get the lesbian ending
monday-first use the computer in your office and get the modeling job the sit in your and precede to undress. after that talk to jess and comment on her dress and go home.
tuesday-go to your kitchen then go for drinks, when you are back go to the couch and watch the adult movie then leave to go shopping. at the adult get the strap on and at the department store get the bikini, return home.
wednesday- lock office door then sit and then precede to undress. leave office and talk to jess, flirt with her. leave your office again go to the copy room to use the copiers.
thursday- go to you room and put on the bikini(its on underneath) then go to your modeling job pose sexy then continue.
friday- put on bikini and go to party talk to jess, precede to ending
have fun!!
Great game, but still trying to get the Boss ending.
svp,le ending de la boss,beaux avoir downloaded,acheter costume et dido,la complimenter au debut,rien n`y fait,savais au faite comment on fait pour q`on danse pour elle.Vue ca dans une de spossibliter grace au telechargement,merci d`avance de m`aider avec se ending.
sfvevndsvndjv sjnfdsjvnsdjv sdjvcdsjkv
i believe there are 4 endings to this one…i like that you get to do this story from the girls perspective.
Good game, hard to get to the boss end tho
I got her :day 2 drink than undrress than back to lounge and watch the dirty movie and BUG is on. No page found. Pls fix it; BTW: any walktrough to boss and solo ending?
I find these types of games more annoying than fun.
Does anyone know if it is possible to get the ending with the Boss?
I was bored to the this game
Stuck at Boss, too and cant translate francais ^^
How to mastrubate on couch and does someone know how to use the analbreads?
ok i found it too the masturbating on 2 buy alcohol drink it sit on couch turn on adult channel go to bedroom undress than return to lounge sit on couch and she touch her self but to bad that after that page error 404.i hope the fix it.i had all other endings but not whit boss
Great game, except for bug when playing in front of the tv. And don`t know how to get the boss ending.
Seen on vdategames
Updated Sarah date with bugs solved now online.”
But I can`t still figure out the boss ending and how she masturbate
great game as usual. I can not get to the boss ending though, any help????
Great game, but still trying to get the Boss ending
Nice game but i kcant fuck the boos
Still no boss or masturbation on the couch. 🙁
Fine game. Okay graphics. Not find every ending so far 🙁
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tryed many things to get boss.i walked to her office and did compliment her and when i go to party in xmas outfit she likes it but thats it.and how do i do the masturbate on couch.and dont know how to use analbreads
I googled the french words 😛 and got this:
please, the ending of the boss, having Downloaded fine, buy clothes and dido, the compliment at the beginning, there `s nothing actually knew how to made made to dance for you` q elle.Vue ca in one thanks to spossibliter Download, thank you `m` advance to help with ending.
it`s a good game could be better though.
Stuck on Boss ending; had to cheat. Some kinda bug when masterbating on couch. Otherwise great game.
Probably the best Virtual Date with… game I`ve played. Graphics look like they have impoved. Thank you for everyone`s help in getting to the lesbian ending. Sara is a cute virtual date.
wow. this is a relly great game. i have found 3 endings with the guy 2 by myself and 1 with jess but still cant get the boss. some help would be awesome. still one of my fav games now.
bhjzxvnjdnvjdnvjdnv jvn dklnv
well chaotic did a great job as usual! and he has a good knack o varying situations and sories! we can`t wait for the next one!
An instant favorite as always from these games and I do love the change of who you control.
Great game, but still trying to get the Boss ending.
I am stuck trying to get the boss can someone help me?
To get the `solo` ending, make sure you buy something from the adult store. The ending with the boss has a bug in it that will not allow you to get the correct result when you flirt with the boss on day 3. Once this bug is fixed, the path to getting Sarah and the boss together is cleared.
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WOW first time i played this and i love it already
Great Game, 4 ending and a lot to do for reach each one!
couldn`t even load the game
and when sarah takes her clothes off in her office at day 3 her boss walks in and send her home
a different way to play a date sim
BTW: My previous post was refering to version of the game.
Now this guy knows how to draw a good looking gal.
Now this guy knows how to draw a good looking gal.
Love these virtual date games, but hate it when they are broken. To get the boss ending you apparently have to download the fixed version.
this was a fun game with a very hot gal
terrific to play a woman for ones
its ok but the action takes too much time to happen, for example when she does the escort job should have a chance to go all the way trough like when modeling or stripping but still entertaining enough.
Good game but if you dont buy the dress you can do anything else but besides that its fun to play.
Good game but if you dont buy the dress you can do anything else but besides that its fun to play.
a very great game one of the best to play
Could anyone get the boss ending?