Urban voyeur

Game rating 80.90%
Views 760795
Comments 328

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Comments (328)

  • avatar

    Im sorry for asking here but how can i rate games i have the account way over 24 and everytime i talk to kelly for some basic rules i get the same quest talk to kelly about the rules again. Sry for posting here i didnt now whrere to post it.rn

  • avatar

    nice game, good graphicsrn

  • avatar

    While starting the game I got virus-alert. Same directly on the producers homepage. Any Problems?

  • avatar

    one of my favourite games i would love to play the second part

  • avatar

    i hate to wait updates or new game to continue to story… just release the game when it`s complete step by step and start over it again it`s boring

  • avatar

    Great potential. Not much happening in this first part though. Not worth a 80 rating at this point though. Good set up for follow up parts.rn

  • avatar

    good game, need more episodes and options…rnnice graphics too

  • avatar

    Very nice gamplay, grapic and animation

  • avatar

    they really go slow with this kind of games progresses… it`s a pity cause the graphic is good and the storyline is too

  • avatar

    Kinda sad the game ends so early into the story.

  • avatar

    Very good game, great graphics and storyline. Hope the next part doesn`t take to long to arrive and it wouldn`t hurt if it`s a bit longer.

  • avatar

    This is really a pretty good game. I`ve played many of them and wouldn`t say it`s the best, but maybe 7 out of 10.

  • avatar

    Excellent game, I look forward to continuing …

  • avatar

    I feel like all the different paths are going to getting very confusing to keep straight as this game goes on, but i`m interested to see how it comes out.

  • avatar

    this game is fun to play and looks incredable

  • avatar

    Decent scenes, not the best story.rn

  • avatar

    Decent game. has some good scenes and lots of promise.

  • avatar

    really enjoyed my first play throughrnneed to try more things now…

  • avatar

    so hot game, I liked it so much. Thi game looks so real. sotirqa theodhori come on and fuuck each other, Yours Kristelda ,, ohh ohhh come on ohh

  • avatar

    Great game, i`m waiting for the new update. I really like the save system which allows you to try out different combinations

  • avatar

    This game is awesome. Lots of different paths to choose. Looking forward for the update in august

  • avatar

    I just get a blank screen, game doesn`t load?? Any thoughts?

  • avatar

    wonderful game! Love the graphics

  • avatar

    I like graphic design, but there is not much choice. Long parts go on without anyone being able to decide what to do. I find the game too linear. Not interactive enough.

  • avatar

    Great game!rnErr am I missing something, in order to vote you have to be registered, I register and create an account, then you visit Kelly for a quest, I do that, and the only quest I can get is to register an account, which I just did… rnrnSeems a little contradictory 😉

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