The control room
Game rating
Comments (153)
This one starts really slow but it`s alright.
great storyline, good graphics
not a good game at all startpoint is nowhere on the screen or on the girls body
Decent graphics, but it stopped the game play and I couldn`t go any further.
wasnt really fond of this game graphics were ok not much animation though
Very boring slow start and art style is interesting.rn
nice game ! waiting for part two
The game is not bad, but is little boring
This game looks real nice, but I am not a fan of how the sex scenes play, too distracting and, in some cases, too difficult
Frequent freezing in FireFox, works much better in Chrome.
ok, no offence to this game or its creator, but this game is kinda boring i couldnt even play past the first couple minutes. it just does grab ur interests
the game is good with some good graphics, story needs to be a little longer
Not much gaming involved throughout the game. thought, it does have a good story line
I found this to be unplayable. I gave up as it was too hard to follow the story when some word bubbles would stay open for ever for one sentence followed by flying through the next 3 without any time to read them. Need to have some way to click when you are finished reading to move it along. Timing seemed completely random. Listen to your critics Arnii . . only trying to help.
Controls are difficult to master effectively. Story is a bit cliche`.
I quit shortly after it started. Way too long to get to the action. rn
Nice graphics. The reloading seemed to be a little distracting but it seemed to finish all to soon with …to be continued…
Good game with nice graphics, pretty excited to see what they gonna do in the future
it is showing screenshot only, how can i play this game
I share the negative comments of other players: graphic is fantastic, but the game itself is poor and not involving at all. More an action game then role play.
nice game interesting story to it as well
great story. loved the girls. couldn`t get past the part with the cops… which was a bummer cause the game was just getting good. will definitely try again.
What a amazing game. Love it…
great game. looking forward to next one. sex scenes are very hot
cwan222 – see my Patreon page where I have a public post (free) with the solution. Link is on game page here.
I am literally stuck on the second start/finish point of the dream sequence. I cannot get the panties off wheres the finish point
Sorry for double post but honestly, we shouldn`t have to slowly drag our mouse across every pixel to find a answer to the puzzle. At least make target circle bigger or a hint when youre close. Does anyone know how to get the panties off the hacker girl in the police dream scene? I literally moused over the entire screen and cant find the end point
It`s just the beginning of the game, but it`s clearly a game with a lot of potential, in both gameplay and sex.
OK game, kinda childish graphics, barbie dollish to be honiest
Graphics were great. Action items lame and detracted from the scene.
Great Gameplay, Stunning Graphics and Great Animation as well
help the game wont load any way to fix it?
i`m looking forward to the next game
pretty good game with good looking girls but a bit slow moving
Interesting. I would like to see the whole story until the end. I hope this story will be more twists and turns.
Awesome gameplay fantastic grpahics very hot girlsrnrn
Its more time you load than you actually playrn
Girls are hot and the storyline is good. It takes some work on the sex interactions though. Can`t wait till the next part comes out.
To be blunt, way more work than most will want to do for the results.
Silly puzzle system, trying to follow wisps of smoke with a touch pad mouse is both irritating and laborious.
Well i like this kind of game.
can some of you help me get the brunettes panties of in the interrogation room? I gave found the red circle but cant get it of
Nice work for the graphics but sooooo loading is very boring!rn
awesome game and nice graphic
Arnii, the sex is the climax of the game so you need to make us work for the ex but the sex is to be enjoyed. That`s the opposite of what happens here. It really is slow and tedious but with great artwork and graphics and an original storyline it has a lot of potential. But Cambridge 4453, Masterstroker and Khahan are making valid points and just want you to succeed, so don`t be sore. rnIf you start with creating some awesome sex scenes and build a game to work up to them then people will be motivated to come back again and again but just displaying your excellent game puzzle techniques won`t work.
good story but not really my kind of gamern
Very entertaining and exciting but still looking “old graphic” sometime
Very good graphics, fair story, too much text, no choices. Still fun to play (pass) the game.
The story for the game could have been a little better. Nice work anyway!
Very tedious game with too little reward.