Saving Cloe
Game rating
Comments (339)
one great game it is yes
amazing game!!!
Excellent game, particularly if you’re into the story heavy approaches and the feels. Really nice world building and structuring.
gud game
Amazing grahics and animations
Nothing special
like these kind of games
Good game and a good story
good story
Game locks after Open Window
intrasting game
Im not a huge fan of Chloe so I didnt enjoy this one quite as much as the others. The co-worker is great though.
great games like the otherones
Amazing story as always
One of the best games out there!
interesting story
Excellent game and story
Amazing graphics
another quality games from a quality creator
Thanks for the journey.
Amazing game and graphics
A wonderful end of the journey.
an amazing ending to the story
Great story
actually its not that bad
Nice game!
It’s a shame you can’t have several save up to reload an old part.
Excellent game. I’m so glad there’s a story for Cloe!
Those games are all really thought through and all very good.
Plus there is the concept of a bigger picture across all of the games.
Can’t wait to play the next one
I pledge allegiance to the site…need…… more……… napkins…
I like how this one ties to the other T&M games,
Great game, I would recomend
This is a rreally good game
Great story and amazing ending give my T&M. Hope it isn’t the end and they come up with a new story line.
Epic End for a great story
Very good game I like girls a lot secretary the most
loved the stpry
just “Cloe” all there is to say, Epic
Definitely a weak point for this developer, but better than most games
One of the best games here.
I love these games particularly this one
A decent series
Different than others. Made it better
one of my favorite in the series. I wanted more Chloe even when she was evil :p
Like to fuck chloe’s brains out
this series is very good
kinda felt bad for chloe when she was the bad guy! im glad we got to save her!
Very Hot Game !!!
screens can seem delayed wen showing up
i was and still am blown away from this game
i liked very much