Haunted Island: episode 3

Game rating 84.70%
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Comments (190)

  • avatar

    Finally finished. Loved the game. loved all the girls. Not enough sex for all the girls in my opinion.

  • avatar

    tried the first sex scene 4 times Stuck there
    don`t like it do not think i`ll try again

  • avatar

    What browser are you using? it could be a cache issue in FF or Chrome, clear your cache and it should work fine, the basement renders were reduced in size and split to render fully in FF as it was the one browers that did not like the biggers renders.

  • avatar

    Thanks for the comment, the next game is already under way and Arnii will get the next game out ASAP.

  • avatar

    Solid finish to the games. Really enjoyed this one. Great work!

  • avatar

    The game was tested to work with IE, FF and Chrome, it was not tested to work with Safari, but I will ask Arnii to make sure it works with Safari also.

    The black screen only happens if an Artwork does not render because the Artwork is to big, tho Arnii has reduced all Artwork in size and split up other Artwork so it all renders in any browser, give Chrome a go for the game.

    Set FF history and cache to clear each time you close it and you will find the game will work fine then.

  • avatar

    oldcruiser – seeing as I make and test these games myself, my games have to work on literally billions of combinations of systems and browsers, oh and I do this all for next to nothing – I think it is perfectly reasonable for you slander my games that work for the majority of people. Other people might try and give some feedback that might help fix things, but I guess that`s not your style.

  • avatar

    Really like this series. Also like the characters i subscribed to Arnii forum so i could play the game earlier. If only the games came faster

  • avatar

    ist`s another great game from arnii, i hope we will see manny more of these

  • avatar

    After drive to Devil Point screen is black except for sex scene with Amy. Why? Tried game in chrome same result.

  • avatar

    A guide will be forthcoming soon, just did not want to ruin it for everyone by providing a guide this early.

  • avatar

    Hi All,

    If you encounter a problem in Haunted Island 3, as Arnii said below, give us as much information on the problem either by mailing Arnii directly or by joining our forum and posting in the game thread or a reply here with as much information as is possible,.

    All browsers have a developers console on them that will show up any errors the game or browser throws up, if you post up those errors here, then Arnii can debug with you here in this thread, or probably fix it or at least identify why it is happening.

    If you give no information then Arnii cannot recreate the error you got, because as said I played the game on Chrome beginning to end with no errors.



  • avatar

    Great Game, would be better if i had a guide

  • avatar

    Good game, could use a couple more options

  • avatar

    I often get a black screen, with IE, FireFox and safari . The pictures are great, but this game is too hard to whip receive the bonus

  • avatar


    Thanks for the comment, am happy you loved the game.
    HI1 &HI2 had more than enough sex action in them, HI3 has I feel just enough keeping in mind it was important to finish off the storyline and make sure every player got the full story, the back story and the history also, while making sure through the mini games and the actual game its self that a player was kept interested and engrossed throughout the last part of the series.

    The new up and coming game has Amy, Lucy and Hannah in it with a new cast also, some of the other favs from HI like Chloe and Elise may or may not have parts in the new game but it will be an amazing game when it is released.

    Im Hannah btw, nice to meet you.

  • avatar


    Thanks for the comment.

    In what way exactly does the game play suck sometimes?

  • avatar

    magnificent… i played 1 and 2. but this is magnificent. Thanks…

  • avatar

    It is a good game for independent developer but the previous two games (Episode 1 and 2) was much better.

  • avatar

    Fantastic game great end to the series. Well done.

  • avatar

    Having some trouble with the basement scene. I click on the ghost and the hand turns green but nothing happens no matter what I do.

  • avatar

    nice game liked the frist two better

  • avatar

    nice conclusion to the story, but the gameplay sucks sometimes. Personaly I liked the first part better.

  • avatar

    Nice end for this game.
    C.C. when the hand is green pulls up.

  • avatar

    Nice looking new game, liked it.

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