Daydreaming with Keeley
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Comments (2095)
Pretty good animations. There are lots of ways to play.
good game with nice animation 😉
it`s allmost perfect game
AWESOME!! This game has great payoffs on writing out the script to be hot, sexy, even when the characters aren`t moving, and it`s ADDICTING!! Especially since I`m hooked on Keisha– she has the drive that makes you want to play it over and over again, just so you can please her properly. (And even when you DO go back, follow the OBVIOUS hints, it throws back some GREAT new side-trips of lust and passion in your face.) ^^
Great game and graphics i really like these sim games
excellent game, great graphics, i wish it also had sound effects..
i must say this game is great but slightly better fuck scenes would be good
love the game, I like the part were you get to have sex with both of them
the game was really good i loved the story line it was a a cool game
Definitely one of the better games on the site, once you`ve figured it out.
loved the scenes very hott
When do we have the next game like that ?
My god I with there were endless series with keelye
story is beautiful but must be more good graphics
Great follow up to the original!
it kept repeating so that suck
but the story is nice
really liked the animation
really really hot threesome scene. thanks vdategames
Awsome threesome scene. I like this game. Are there mpre like it.
great logic to this one – love the ending
such a great game. there should be more please
this game was confusing but was good
More ! such a good game replay value is damn high
The graphics are a lot better, but the gameplay kinda alls short of the other one i think
ein hei??es spiel mit hei??en m?¤dchen
A lot of great endings. It`s pretty funny when you decide not to finish and go check on Keeley.
Man this game is great lol wish i was james haha
makes me cum every time.xx
How can you reach really hard ending?
fucking awsome game!!!
one of the best here!!!!
the endings are so exciting and different!!!!
It was a good game. I liked it a lot
Very nice game but it isn`t easy to win“
great animation and dialogues!!!
not a bad game worth the trouble of waiting for my slow internet
Good game with great animation and really hot girls! Enjoy!
great game, i like the multiple endings but the way its done (another window, not a lot of action but clicking) was kind of weird/awkward
VERY nice game, was fun. The difficulty setting increased the fun rather than the frustration. Would have liked to have seen more animation, but still very enjoyable.
I love this game. The graphic is great and the dialogs are very good. I cant wait to play the next one!
veryy good game hope there will be sequel becouse i relly enjoied it
veryy good game hope there will be sequel becouse i relly enjoied it
i loved this game, so amazing, cool
a v v v fucking hot game
its awesome luved it
The game is a pure charm. The graphics, the girls, the animations, all is just perfect. Best game found on this site so far for me. 🙂
it`s a cool game, the graphics rules, and i really enjoy played it!!!
nice game but if it longer
Make sure to please Keisha, but do not let Keeley see…
Anyone else have a problem with the higher difficulties?
Nice game but wish it had motion in it.
Excellent game with many alternative options and acenarios, like it!
nice game play but i wish it can be longer