Coffee for Keisha
Game rating
Comments (816)
The girl is very sexy and the game is definitely one of the better ones
good game.. great pictures and story line too…
Easily one of the best, most in-depth offerings on the site.
I can play this game over and over again. such a nice game and very sexy girl! Shame you cant get a threesome…
Storyline… graphics… gameplay… Instant erotic game classic!
This once beautiful woman,
I would give it 2 thumbs up for this game.
a good game but not as much options in the sex scenes as i`d like
Very hot, a real good gameplay
great game with awesome graphics
i really liked it
not so easy can not get through
Didnt get to finish this one but had me very pleased
keisha is good but keeley is better for me
nice game but i am stuck at the park.
not so much fond of this. graphics could be better.
Great game … took me awhile though xD
Really loved this game.
Played a lot of your games but for me personally this is one of the hottest.
Keisha (and Keeley) in both their current and their past physical and mental development are just great and super-hot.
Loved the addition of sound effects as it adds even more stimulation to an already highly erotic game.
Just for the reference I `ve found this game to be `outrageously` short compared to both `Getting to know Christine` and the Keeley games. That`s not to say I didn`t like it; on the contrary. I would have loooved to see a lot more of Keisha`s past and current character and body.
A few example scenes I would have relished to have seen her in:
– getting educated to learn her seven languages -including the neccessary `etiquette` for the different cultures- to which she alluded in the bar scene.
– Her past life as a rocker girl (maybe she once _had_ been a groupie slut so she knows what she was talking about and how she found out about the art of seduction and appreciating the waiting game).
– finding out about her business contacts and the `personal` attention desired by the one or the other customer (maybe even be `forced` to watch through an event in Japan or China on one of her business trips
– her ordering and form-fitting the dress in Paris (maybe before she had met Sam at the Coffee shop) and maybe being approached by a charming Frenchman (btw hand-crafting the dress would explain why it took so long to reach her).
– finding out about her other past lovers except for Joey or maybe why she got burned by them
– dragging Sam to a beauty farm (nice path) and have him be `tortured` by the attending service girls to have him epilated while she undergoes the same treatment
– dragging Sam to a strip club (aggressive) watching him watch other girls and how he behaves himself
Just my two cents on what I would have loved in addition.
Great graphics, and the different endings are different enough to warrant multiple playthroughs.
I`m a Keisha fan. Please bring me more games with her.
Loved it! Awesome girls!
I love the girl. Blonde … Blonde … Blonde …. Sexy!. Maybe i can`t sleep if i have a girlfriend like her. Hahaha
i liked it.. walkthrough really help us. thanks guys :))
great graphics and overall game play
great game with good story
Great game, wonderful story and excellent graphic
Great gane. I like the story and the difficulty.
The game is very long and has alot of choices.
good game i love graphic!
Great game, two fine endings (Nice and Naughty) with two variables, (nice-anal and naughty-harder). I`ve enjoyed.
great game nice girls nice options, only the main hero looks funny 🙂
Very enjoyable game, one of my favorites on the site.
this game is great with a sexy girl
very good and hot game. I`m lovi`n it
This is one of my favourite games
+Great game with smoking graphics.
+Liked the personalities on the diffrent characters and I would like to see them in another game (part II ?)
-More options on zoomable bodyparts pls!
I love this game. Honestly my favorite part of this game is how real it seems. The way Keisha responds. The multiple endings. Even the groupies at the band concerts. I hope play force one keeps pushing out games like these.
Good game and graphics. Would like to see game with both girls together.
My favourite game so far !
great game i love all of these series
Good game though, with many diffrent endings
Great game…. one of the bests…..
wonderful game, keisha is a hottie girl, thanks for that game
this one is very good i like it so much
I really enjoyed the graphics on this game
brilliant game, hope there are more soon, keisha is so hot
Awesome Hot Game. Please Add more games with Keisha!!!
This game is amazing! I wish there were more like this.
Very great game, not so easy, but I finish him. Good job.
love this game kept me interested
Along with the Christine game, probable some of the best writing. Interesting to see characters from the Keely games too.
awesome game, love playing it.