Coffee for Keisha

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Comments (816)

  • avatar

    From the same developer that made “Getting to know Christine” (one of my favorites), and nearly the same in quality (I say “nearly” because I`m sentimental about the previous work).

    The two-path system is a nice twist, and a welcome improvement.

  • avatar

    WOW, i loved this game. Very in depth. I will be playing this one over and over.

  • avatar

    I like the graphics but really couldn`t get into the game

  • avatar

    Great, great game! I like this game

  • avatar

    A great game !! I like the goodies for the Kelley`sthreesome!! Make more games like this =)
    And a bigup for viperman for his walkthrough with 3 endings

  • avatar

    To the people who`ve copied and pasted my walkthrough into this thread, the next time you rip off someone`s work perhaps you`d be kind enough to give them credit?

  • avatar

    Great Game!So great to see Kiesha again,she is such a hottie!

  • avatar

    Good Game. Kiesha is great and it was good to see Keeley again

  • avatar

    veeery good game i love it. thnx pf1

  • avatar

    Good game , nice graphic.

  • avatar

    gameplay, graphic, animation are great got 3 endings

  • avatar

    Awesome. the games get better and more demanding

  • avatar

    This is one of the best, finally one where you can keep Keisha, she is so hot and sexy. I love her, the endings are great, the `Nice` is my favorite. Keep `em cummin!

  • avatar

    such a great game!!!!
    thx for waIktrough… but wheres the threesome?

  • avatar

    Really beautifull game one of the best!!!

  • avatar

    so funnny game sexy and perfet i think i`m gonna play it again

  • avatar

    ok game….needs more interaction…it just guides you through the whole thing

  • avatar

    This may just be the best game yet. Equal to if not better than Christine, due to the multiple paths to the end.

  • avatar

    i like this game and i love keisha and it a best game

  • avatar

    good game but really hard

  • avatar

    guys, is there any end with treesome?

  • avatar

    good game, good graphic and good story

  • avatar

    Nice looking new game, liked it.

  • avatar

    Excellent game. Graphics, story, gameplay, all good. Another one please

  • avatar

    this girl is so hot very nice story and long enough enjoy it !!!

  • avatar

    i like this game…ist very nice!!!

  • avatar

    exelent i like the games like this, in my country says “mera verga” jajajajaja

  • avatar

    Can anyone post a walkthrough. Possibly of both endings?

  • avatar

    love that game !!!!
    nice graphics and quality

  • avatar

    Nice Ending

    Coffee shop
    Bring Keisha her coffee
    I finished making your coffee, Miss. Here you go.
    I didn`t realize you knew my name.
    Wait a minute. Are you saying you`re here so much because of the … scenery?
    Check out Keisha`s ass
    Talk to Keeley
    Can I get you anything?
    Do you know what language Keisha was just speaking?
    Yes, please do
    Good advice. Thanks Keeley!
    I`ll get back to the counter then. Keeley, it was a pleasure to meet you.
    Slow down a bit and listen to the answer
    Get back to work
    Fast forward to the next day

    Hey ladies. Fancy meeting you here.
    You`re looking for guys? I thought Keeley was married.
    Find any yet?
    Do you mind if I join you two?
    So, be nice or Keeley shoots me down?
    Keeley, you look great tonight.
    Please tell me that your husband appreciates you.
    While I try not to imagine that, what should I do to assure the wingman?
    Pull out your smartphone, log in to Facebook, and hand it over.
    I promise
    I understand, Keeley. You`re good at this wingman thing.
    Bye Keeley.
    Does she really know a psychopath?
    I guess I`ll need to treat you well, then.
    Actually, no. I overheard you and Keeley talking at the coffee shop.
    So I didn`t interrupt your girl`s night out?
    Well, you`ve met me. Now, what are you going to do with me?
    I`d like that.
    I thought you wanted to get to know me better.
    When you answered the phone at the coffee shop, was that Chinese?
    Only menu items…
    How many languages do you speak?
    That`s seriously impressive. What do you do for a living?
    What`s a facilitator?
    What kind of random things?
    I hope no one ever tries to take advantage of you.
    So if I demand to see your boobs, will you get me fired?
    But they`re really nice boobs.
    Will you please show me your boobs?
    Okay, I won`t push. Let`s go back to talking about your work.
    Are the weird hours why you don`t have a boyfriend?
    So what are you looking for in a guy?
    Yeah, besides that
    I support equal rights for women.
    I get it. Traditional society norms are that the man provides and the woman nurtures. You`re untraditional.
    So equally skilled, but at different things. I`m comfortable with that.
    Well, this is one of those places where your attribute is better than mine and I definitely don`t mind.
    (Change the subject before you stick your foot in your mouth.) So, about your ringtone.
    It wouldn`t be a fair bet.
    It was Sepultura`s version of Orgasmatron.
    Kiss her on the cheek
    So you like rock music?
    What would it take to get into that closet with you?
    Musically or … otherwise?
    What if I told you that I`m the singer in a local rock band?
    I`m the singer in a local rock band.
    Ever hear of a band called Nostafaru?
    What? We are? How?
    Yeah. Are you?
    “Whoa, that`s cool. I wonder how he heard us. We haven`t recorded yet.”
    Ever been to La Boca?
    We`re playing the night after tomorrow. I`ll put your name on the list.
    Doors open at 8, but we don`t go on until a little after 9.
    Will you come backstage afterwards?
    Hey, it`s fair. If we`re going to treat each other as equals, then I have to be good at something.
    Fast forward to the concert

    Go backstage and find out
    We had a good night. I was trying to impress you.
    I guess this puts to rest any doubts of me being a rock singer.
    You look great in that outfit, Keisha.
    So, which song did you like the most?
    “Night Groove.” Good choice, I wrote that one.
    Thanks, Lindsey, but I`m talking with Keisha here.
    Lindsey, there`s never been anything between us. You know that.
    Lindsey, stop it.
    Lindsey, I`m sorry, but no. I`m interested in Keisha.
    Lindsey, please leave. It`s Keisha I want to be with.
    Watch her leave
    (Smile) Thanks.
    No pressure, Keisha. If something happens between us, it`ll happen in its own time.
    Whistle innocently
    Truthfully? Yeah, after every show.
    Lindsey is nice and all, but I really want someone with more going on upstairs.
    Girl, you`ve got it going on all over!
    An exclusive relationship? Sounds serious.
    If I say “yes,” then I can start introducing you as my girlfriend?
    Then yes. No more groupies.
    Just drinking, dancing, and loud music.
    Take her hand and lead her into the club
    Fast forward a few days

    Text back, “Sweet. See you then.”
    Fast forward to 8:00
    I have to admit, I`m having trouble focusing on your eyes…
    Stare at her breasts
    That`s, “Scorching hot rocker chick who`s not a slut…”
    Well, you succeeded at that. You look awesome.
    Sit down on the couch

    That`s Night Groove!
    The audio quality sucks, but the video is great!
    It`s too bad the recording is so bad.
    You`re the one who`s good.
    That`s been known to happen, yes.
    Shake your head
    Yes, definitely
    Keisha climbs on
    Finish kissing and slide your hands down to her hips
    That top/bra combination is incredibly sexy. I`ve been wanting to touch it since I arrived.
    Reach up and touch her breasts
    Your breasts feel as great as they look.
    Would you rather it rough?
    Caress her face
    Brush her lips with your thumb
    Take off your shirt
    You`ve already flashed me. There`s not much difference if you take it off…
    Watch her take off her shirt
    You are one seriously attractive lady.
    Unfasten her bra
    And because you`re attractive.
    (Sigh) You`re right.
    So, is that as far as we go tonight?
    Smile and kiss her
    Match her intensity
    Kiss her neck
    Rub her pussy
    Yeah, it`s hard.
    As a matter of fact, yes. This anticipation thing works.
    I thought you said…
    Raise your hips so she can pull your pants down
    Are you gonna suck it?
    Keisha wraps her hand around your cock


    Hey Keisha. I`ve got tomorrow off. Wanna do something?
    It`s supposed to be nice out. How about the beach?
    Well … um … yes.
    I already saw you in your underwear. That`s practically the same as a bikini.
    (Swallow) Must be hot.
    You`re trying to make me hard at work, aren`t you?
    It`s working
    As long as I get to see that radiant smile, I`m good with wherever you want to go.
    Okay, the park it is.
    Woah, nice dress!
    Spin around so I can see the whole thing.
    You caught me. And, wow, that dress shows off your … assets … really well.
    Kiss her
    Reach down and squeeze her ass
    Lead on
    Really? That would be awesome!
    As I see it, he`s responsible for two nights ago. He`s definitely getting a copy.
    So, you speak a million languages. Would you teach me a few things?
    Basic things to get by. Yes, no, please, thank you. That kind of stuff.
    Si. No.
    You promise not to get mad if I tell you?
    Okay, I`m hoping to tryâ?? anal sex
    You`ve never tried it?
    A few times, yes
    It was uncomfortable at the start, but then she really got into it.
    I`ll keep working on building that trustâ??
    Terrified, actually
    Okay, anal sex is off the table
    Okay, point taken
    So, what`s the wildest sexual thing you`ve done?
    I`m sorry. Would talking about it help, or make it worse?
    The Keeley I know?
    But she stole your boyfriend?
    What did you do?

    I wouldn`t ask. There`s no way I`m sharing you with another guy.
    For what?
    Well, I`m seeing it my way, but you`re welcome. What happened with Keeley and Joey?
    I don`t think one MMF makes you a slut…
    So she made the right decision in the end
    What about Randal and Ken? Was it awkward the next time you saw them?
    Okay, I`ve got to ask…
    Not really?
    Ever get into moaning competitions with Keeley to see who was having the better time?

    It`s a little Spartan, but homey. I`d love to have you over.
    If you`re buying dinner, I should get the movie.
    What would you like to see?
    Got it. I`ll pick something up after my shift.
    Go to the video store
    Go find Sean
    Thanks Sean. I was trying to impress a girl.
    Well, she`s coming over to my place tonight.
    No. Romantic comedy. Heavy on the romance with a happy ending.
    Yep. Got anything that`ll help?
    Thanks Sean!
    Kiss her
    Keep kissing
    Take her to the bedroom
    Keisha raises her arms
    Pull up her shirt
    Keisha takes it off
    Kiss her neck
    Unfasten her bra
    Take it off
    Turn her around and kiss her
    Kiss her breasts
    Then why did you stop me last time?
    (Smiling) If you insist…
    Turn her around
    Remove her panties
    Stare at her rear end
    Yours definitely beats mine. Now turn around so I can see the rest of you…
    Stare at her breasts
    Stare at her crotch
    Lie down on the bed. I`m going to give you a massage.
    As you pointed out, I want this to be satisfying. No way am I going to rush it.
    Straddle her legs

    Position your cock at her pussy
    Slide it in

    Pull up on her hips
    Time for doggy
    Pull her back against you

    Ram it deep
    Move closer
    Keisha wraps her lips around the tip
    She slides it in
    Try 69
    Keep licking
    Lick harder
    Keisha kneels down on it
    Look at her face
    If you want to try something even better, turn sideways.
    Help her rotate
    Help her ride up and down
    Reverse cowgirl. I love watching your ass.
    Watch her as she bounces

    I promise
    Try anal sex
    Pull out
    I`m sorry. Do you want to stop?
    Try again

    Fuck her

    Cum in her ass
    Enjoy the ending

    Naughty Ending

    Coffee shop
    Bring Keisha her coffee
    Hey Keisha, your coffee`s ready.
    Actually, I was hoping to get a better look at you.
    Only because that view is awesome
    Check out Keisha`s ass
    Talk to Keeley
    Check out her rack
    Look back at her eyes
    Can I get you anything?
    Do you know what language Keisha was just speaking?
    She`s in to me. I don`t know that I need any.
    Thanks for the tip.
    I`ll get back to the counter then. Keeley, it was a pleasure to meet you.
    Slow down a bit and listen to the answer
    Get back to work
    Fast forward to the next day

    Hey ladies. Fancy meeting you here.
    You`re looking for guys? I thought Keeley was married.
    Well, you found me.
    Then I`ll join you.
    You mean I`ve got to talk to a beautiful woman before I talk to another beautiful woman?
    Damn, Keeley. You`re killing it in that dress.
    I`ll bet your husband stares.
    You know, the wingman doesn`t have to go home alone. Maybe you, Keisha, and I could…
    (gasps) Again?
    Noted. So what do I need to do to get past the wingman hurdle?
    Pull out your smartphone, log in to Facebook, and hand it over
    I promise.
    I understand, Keeley. You`re good at this wingman thing.
    Bye Keeley
    Does she really know a psychopath?
    I guess I`ll need to treat you well, then.
    Is it a coincidence that you`re beautiful?
    So I didn`t interrupt your girl`s night out?
    Well, you`ve met me. Now, what are you going to do with me?
    Socially, or Biblically?
    Sounds good to me.
    I thought you wanted to get to know me better.
    When you answered the phone at the coffee shop, was that Chinese?
    Only menu items…
    How many languages do you speak?
    That`s seriously impressive. What do you do for a living?
    What`s a facilitator?
    What kind of random things?
    Do they ever want personal attention from you?
    So if I demand to see your boobs, will you get me fired?
    But they`re really nice boobs.
    In case you haven`t noticed, I`m more naughty than nice.
    Then show me them titties!
    Okay, I won`t push. Let`s go back to talking about your work.
    Are the weird hours why you don`t have a boyfriend?
    So what are you looking for in a guy?
    Yeah, besides that.
    I support equal rights for women.
    I get it. Traditional society norms are that the man provides and the woman nurtures. You`re untraditional.
    How do you feel about barefoot and naked on the kitchen table?
    (Swallows) I`m cool with you making more than me.
    Well, this is one of those places where your attribute is better than mine and I definitely don`t mind.
    (Change the subject before you stick your foot in your mouth.) So, about your ringtone.
    Bet you a kiss that I do.
    It was Sepultura`s version of Orgasmatron.
    Kiss her on the lips
    So you like rock music?
    What would it take to get into that closet with you?
    Musically or sexually?
    What if I told you that I`m the singer in a local rock band?
    I`m the singer in a local rock band.
    Ever hear of a band called Nostafaru?
    What? We are? How?
    Yeah. Are you?
    “Whoa, that`s cool. I wonder how he heard us. We haven`t recorded yet.”
    “Ever been to La Boca?”
    We`re playing the night after tomorrow. I`ll put your name on the list.
    Doors open at 8, but we don`t go on until a little after 9.
    Will you come backstage afterwards?
    Hey, it`s fair. If we`re going to treat each other as equals, then I have to be good at something.
    Fast forward to the concert

    Go backstage and find out
    I`m similarly good in bed…
    Prove it.
    Well, at least this puts to rest any doubts of me being a rock singer.
    I`d like to put you to bed…
    So, which song did you like the most?
    “Night Groove.” Good choice, I wrote that one.
    Thanks, Lindsey, but I`m talking with Keisha here.
    Lindsey, there`s never been anything between us. You know that.
    Lindsey, stop it.
    Lindsey, I`m sorry, but no. I`m interested in Keisha.
    Hey, Lindsey, did you hear that Dan broke up with his girlfriend?
    Watch her leave.
    (Smile) Thanks.
    The only pressure I want you to feel is that of our bodies locked together … when you`re ready.
    Nod wistfully
    How do you think I honed my techniques?
    Don`t get me wrong. Cheap, meaningless sex is fun. But I want something more.
    Well, at least meaningful
    An exclusive relationship? Sounds serious.
    If I say “yes,” then I can start introducing you as my girlfriend?
    Then yes. No more groupies.
    Just drinking, dancing, and loud music.
    Take her hand and lead her into the club
    Fast forward a few days

    Text back, “Love surprises. Especially the kind you unwrap. I`ll be there.”
    Fast forward to 8:00
    (Glance down, wolf whistle, and quickly look back at her face.)
    Stare at her breasts
    That`s, “Scorching hot rocker chick who`s not a slut…”
    (Staring at her breasts again) speaking of going big…
    Sit down on the couch

    That`s Night Groove!
    The audio quality sucks, but the video is great!
    It`s too bad the recording is so bad.
    Damn, Keisha, that dance you`re doing is making me horny.
    That`s been known to happen, yes.
    Shake your head
    Yes, definitely
    Keisha climbs on
    Finish kissing and slide your hands down to her hips
    That top/bra combination is incredibly sexy. I`ve been wanting to touch it since I arrived.
    Reach up and touch her breasts
    Your tits are so nice and firm.
    Would you rather it rough?
    Caress her face
    Brush her lips with your thumb
    Take off your shirt.
    You`ve already flashed me. There`s not much difference if you take it off…
    Watch her take off her shirt
    My god are you ever hot
    Unfasten her bra
    And because you`re hot
    (Sigh) You`re right
    So, is that as far as we go tonight?
    Smile and kiss her
    Match her intensity
    Kiss her neck
    Rub her pussy
    Yeah, it`s hard.
    As a matter of fact, yes. This anticipation thing works.
    I thought you said…
    Raise your hips so she can pull your pants down.
    Are you gonna suck it?
    Keisha wraps her hand around your cock


    Hey Rocker Chick. I can`t get you off my mind. Let`s get together tomorrow.
    It`s supposed to be nice out. How about the beach?
    I want to see you in your birthday suit. I`ll settle for the bikini…
    I already saw you in your underwear. That`s practically the same as a bikini.
    (Swallow) Must be hot.
    You`re trying to make me hard at work, aren`t you?
    It`s working.
    Well, whatever we do, I`m going to imagine you in a skimpy bikini.
    Okay, the park it is.
    Damn, babe, that dress is hot.
    Spin around so I can see your ass in it.
    Only because it`s damn fine.
    Kiss her
    Reach down and squeeze her ass
    Lead on
    Really? That would be awesome!
    As I see it, he`s responsible for two nights ago. He`s definitely getting a copy.
    So, you speak a million languages. Would you teach me a few things?
    Naughty stuff…
    Yeah, like that`s not the first thing you learn…
    You promise not to get mad if I tell you?
    Ever tried bondage?
    No way. Your body`s way too perfect to mar with whips.
    Bondage is tying up. It`s not about pain. It`s about surrender.
    Yeah, you`re a strong woman who`s always in control. Bondage is about the release you get from letting go and losing that control.
    But exciting too, right?
    Sure, if you want to.
    Take as long as you want.
    Keisha, do you consider our relationship to be stronger than casual flirting?
    (Joking) Oh yeah. It`s not sex if you don`t cum…
    Keeley told me to ask you about something, but said you`d be mad.
    Something about a threesome in college…
    Just that it happened, that I`d have to ask you if I wanted to know anything else, and that you`d be mad.
    Yes, that`s pretty clear. Was it really that bad?
    Okay, I promise.

    Joey was a scumbag.
    He was going to leave you for Keeley whether she joined you or not.
    So why do you blame Keeley?
    Well, at least you got to experiment with another woman. How was that?

    So, you want to see my love nest? It`s a date.
    If you`re buying dinner, I should get the movie.
    What would you like to see?
    Got it. I`ll pick something up after my shift.
    Go to the video store
    Go find Sean
    Thanks Sean. I was trying to impress a girl.
    Well, she`s coming over to my place tonight.
    What I need is a standard romantic comedy as well as your most approachable bondage porn.
    Yep, but no S&M or pain. The actresses have to be smiling and having a good time.
    Thanks Sean!
    Wow, the video store must have put the wrong video in the box…
    Yeah, strange coincidence, huh?
    You saw right through that…
    I`ll put the other video in.
    Damn, Keisha, you`re really strong.
    Watch the video
    What can I do to reassure you?
    Then let`s go to your place.
    No time like the present.
    Collect your things and go to her place
    Take off your sweater
    Yes, that was clear…
    I understand. Have a seat.
    Tie her hands behind her back
    Like I said in the park, this is about ceding control. Part of the fun is begging to stop, even though you don`t mean it.
    Okay, if you say “Night Groove” I promise that I`ll immediately stop and do whatever you tell me to.
    Blindfold her
    Oh? Were you planning to follow the script from the video? Sorry, no.
    Anything I want…

    Rub her breast
    Pull her bra aside
    No one can hear you, and you`re too bound up to stop me from doing … this!
    Lick the other one
    Kiss her lips
    Force her to kiss you
    I think you`re enjoying this
    I think it`s time to show you the gravity of your situation. Stand up!
    Don`t question me. Do as you`re told.
    Tap her forehead to distract her

    Let`s see how much you enjoy yourself when you`re naked…
    Pull down her panties
    Um, you remember the safe phrase, right?
    Remove her bra
    Yes I am. But first I`m going to lead you over to the table and you`re going to lie down on it.
    Remove her blindfold
    Yes … in more ways than one.
    Pull her legs apart and lick her pussy.
    Lick her harder
    You want help? Maybe this`ll help…
    Have you fucked this guy yet?
    Well, it`s too late now.
    Ram her hard

    Pull her legs up

    Rotate her onto her side
    Pull her leg in
    Fuck her
    Raise her legs again
    Spread her legs
    Move around to the other side of the table
    Untie her
    Put it in her mouth
    Push it deeper

    Pull out
    Are you okay?
    But that`s pain. You said no–
    What? Okay, I`ll stop
    Yeah, I–
    Yes. I`m sorry, Keisha. I didn`t–
    Um … okay!
    Spank her
    Spank her again
    Spank her again
    Spank her again
    Spank her some more
    Get up on the table and fuck her
    Drive her to orgasm
    Pull out and cum all over her ass
    Enjoy the ending

    Lindsey ending

    Coffee shop
    Bring Keisha her coffee.
    I finished making your coffee, Miss.
    I didn`t realize you knew my name.
    Well the scenery sure improved when you two arrived.
    Check out Keisha`s ass.
    Talk to Keeley.
    Check out her rack.
    Look back at her eyes
    Can I get you anything?
    Do you know what language Keisha was just speaking?
    Yes, please do.
    Good advice. Thanks Keeley!
    I`ll get back to the counter then. Keeley, it was a pleasure to meet you.
    Slow down a bit and listen to the answer.
    Get back to work.
    Fast forward to the next day.

    Hey ladies. Fancy meeting you here.
    You`re looking for guys? I thought Keeley was married.
    Well, you found me.
    Then I`ll join you.
    You mean I`ve got to talk to a beautiful woman before I talk to another beautiful woman?
    Keeley, you look great tonight.
    I`m trying, but it`s a struggle.
    You know, the wingman doesn`t have to go home alone.
    (gasps) Again?
    Noted. So what do I need to do to get past the wingman hurdle?
    Pull out your smartphone, log in to Facebook, and hand it over.
    Well, if she`s into threesomes…
    Okay, then no more groupies.
    I understand, Keeley. You`re good at this wingman thing.
    Bye Keeley.
    Does she really know a psychopath?
    I guess I`ll need to treat you well, then.
    Actually, no. I overheard you and Keeley talking at the coffee shop.
    So I didn`t interrupt your girl`s night out?
    Well, you`ve met me. Now, what are you going to do with me?
    Socially, or Biblically?
    Sounds good to me.
    I thought you wanted to get to know me better.
    When you answered the phone at the coffee shop, was that Chinese?
    Only menu items…
    How many languages do you speak?
    What, no Spanish?
    That`s seriously impressive.
    What`s a facilitator?
    What kind of random things?
    I hope no one ever tries to take advantage of you.
    So if I demand to see your boobs, will you get me fired?
    But they`re really nice boobs.
    In case you haven`t noticed, I`m more naughty than nice.
    Then show me them titties!
    Okay, I won`t push.
    Are the weird hours why you don`t have a boyfriend?
    So what are you looking for in a guy?
    Yeah, besides that.
    Sure, women are just as good as men at most things.
    I get it.
    How do you feel about barefoot and naked on the kitchen table?
    I`m cool with you making more than me.
    Well, this is one of those places where your attribute is better than mine and I definitely don`t mind.
    So, about your ringtone.
    It wouldn`t be a fair bet.
    It was Sepultura`s version of Orgasmatron.
    Kiss her on the lips.
    So you like rock music?
    What would it take to get into that closet with you?
    Musically or … otherwise?
    What if I told you that I`m the singer in a local rock band?
    I`m the singer in a local rock band.
    Ever hear of a band called Nostafaru?
    What? We are? How?
    Yeah. Are you?
    “Whoa, that`s cool. I wonder how he heard us. We haven`t recorded yet.”
    “Ever been to La Boca?”
    We`re playing the night after tomorrow.
    Doors open at 8
    Will you come backstage afterwards?
    Hey, it`s fair.
    Fast forward to the concert

    Go backstage and find out
    I`m similarly good in bed
    Prove it.
    Well, at least this puts to rest any doubts of me being a rock singer.
    I see you dressed for the occasion.
    I think people are wilder now.
    I`ll bet.
    “Night Groove.”
    Hey Lindsey.
    Lindsey, this is my friend, Keisha.
    I`m not cheating on anyone.
    Hey, Lindsey, did you hear that Dan broke up with his girlfriend?
    Watch her leave
    (Smile) Thanks.
    The only pressure I want you to feel is that of our bodies locked together
    Nod wistfully
    Truthfully? Yeah, after every show.
    Lindsey is nice and all, but I really want someone with more going on upstairs.
    Girl, you`ve got it going on all over!
    An exclusive relationship?
    If I say “yes,” then I can start introducing you as my girlfriend?
    Then yes. No more groupies.
    Just drinking, dancing, and loud music.
    Take her hand and lead her into the club
    Fast forward a few days

    Text back, “Sweet. See you then.”
    Fast forward to 8:00.
    I have to admit, I`m having trouble focusing on your eyes…
    Stare at her breasts
    That`s, “Scorching hot rocker chick who`s not a slut…”
    (Staring at her breasts again) speaking of going big…
    Sit down on the couch

    That`s Night Groove!
    The audio quality sucks, but the video is great!
    It`s too bad the recording is so bad.
    You`re the one who`s good.
    That`s been known to happen, yes
    Shake your head
    Yes, definitely
    Keisha climbs on
    Finish kissing and slide your hands down to her hips
    That top/bra combination is incredibly sexy.
    Reach up and touch her breasts
    Your breasts feel as great as they look.
    Would you rather it rough?
    Caress her face
    Brush her lips with your thumb
    Take off your shirt.
    You`ve already flashed me. There`s not much difference if you take it off…
    Watch her take off her shirt.
    My god are you ever hot.
    Unfasten her bra
    And because you`re hot.
    (Sigh) You`re right.
    So, is that as far as we go tonight?
    Smile and kiss her
    Match her intensity
    Kiss her neck
    Rub her pussy
    Yeah, it`s hard.
    As a matter of fact, yes.
    I thought you said…
    Raise your hips so she can pull your pants down
    Are you gonna suck it?
    Keisha wraps her hand around your cock


    Hey Rocker Chick. I can`t get you off my mind. Let`s get together tomorrow.
    It`s supposed to be nice out. How about the beach?
    Well … um … yes.
    I already saw you in your underwear.
    (Swallow) Must be hot.
    You`re trying to make me hard at work, aren`t you?
    It`s working.
    Well, whatever we do, I`m going to imagine you in a skimpy bikini.
    Okay, the park it is.
    Woah, nice dress!
    Spin around so I can see the whole thing
    You caught me.
    Kiss her.
    Reach down and squeeze her ass
    Lead on.
    Really? That would be awesome!
    As I see it, he`s responsible for two nights ago.
    So, you speak a million languages.
    Naughty stuff…
    Yeah, like that`s not the first thing you learn
    You promise not to get mad if I tell you?
    I want to have sex outdoors.
    Yeah, like that.
    No, it`s you I want. I just wish you were a little more like her.
    Yeah, something like that.
    What are you saying, Keisha?
    You`re breaking up with me…
    It`s okay. It was fun while it lasted.
    Enjoy the ending

  • avatar

    loved the game, great game play and graphics.

  • avatar

    Awesome game. The conflicted ending/bonus ending is really difficult to get but worth it.

  • avatar

    nice game hot girl great graphics love these games

  • avatar

    great storyline.. great graphics… i`ss shure try to get all out of it.

  • avatar

    Another great game by Tlaero & Preaky…loved the game, great game play and graphics…thanks xx

  • avatar

    Its a great game. Nice to have a challenge without it being so difficult as to get frustrating. Both endings were amazing.

  • avatar

    Not there yet but well worth trying again and again.

  • avatar

    It`s tricky on hard… trying to get enough points to proceed is hard, but I like that. Would be nice to have a couple of save options.

  • avatar

    Do I have a problem with network or it is moving slowly?

  • avatar

    i liked it, nice work done. Thanks

  • avatar

    Another great game by Tlaero & Preaky…loved the game, great game play and graphics…thanks xx

  • avatar

    I have found a threesome in game and the “nice” ending 🙂
    This is a great game and i love it, very very good work, the Story isen`t to easy or to strong, gameplay is new and exiting and graphics is exelent… is the best game i`ve for long time play, thanks for sharing 😉

  • avatar

    Nice gameplay and graphics as we are usually served with.

  • avatar

    anyone got the bad guy ending? wanna see the bondage scene. Just got anal sex xD

  • avatar

    good graphics and a better gameplay.

  • avatar

    good graphic and good story, nice as well

  • avatar

    great storyline.. great graphics… i`ss shure try to get all out of it.

  • avatar

    loved the game, great game play and graphics.

  • avatar

    wonderful game, keisha is a hottie girl, thanks for that game

  • avatar

    Love this game. Great graphic

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