Big City Campus

Game rating 84.10%
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Comments 257

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Comments (257)

  • avatar

    Hey guys and beautiful ladies ;)., how do i get past the video game part? i cant seem to beat it and once you buy the formal cloths to go to that party you end up finding out about, i bought the formal cloths but nothing bout that party shows up on the map and how do unlock the faculty area, but other than that I love this game 😀

  • avatar

    Some DNS issues with cloudflare last night, apologies.

    jwhart921: can you register on my forum, send me a PM and I will try and find out what is happening?

  • avatar

    average game gameplay not great

  • avatar

    The game always gets stuck in the video game scene! but great game! I love Arniigames

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    I am using English and there is no text at all. I have a PC running Win 7 and am using Chrome.

  • avatar

    Hey mate i`m also receiving a DNS resolution error 1001

    Hope you(ll fix it soon . i`m really curious to play your game.

  • avatar

    I`m getting a DNS error when I try to load the game.

  • avatar

    ladiesguy: nice avatar pic.

  • avatar

    Too much stuff to do in order to have sex. Plus I`m stuck somewhere. Concept is good and the animations are pretty cool.

  • avatar

    PRetty good game and the scenes weren`t that bad

  • avatar

    First scene isn`t the best, but the scenes after that were awesome. Really liked the scene with Lucy and Paulie graphics were really good.

  • avatar

    couldn`t play the game there was no words to read.

  • avatar

    not impressed at all play force i know there free games but really slave lord .space paws then this please

  • avatar

    icrazyur2: not impressed at all play force i know there* free games but really slave lord .[comma not full stop]space paws then this please

    Not your type of game, that`s a shame. I was hoping I would attract the feckless retard demographic, but I guess I haven`t. Oh well, I`m getting steady interest from people who like story and character development and such like that should make up for that loss.

    * “they`re” you illiterate twat

  • avatar

    Anyone who is unable to see text can you let me know a) what language you are playing in b) which scene and c) what type of computer and browser you are using. I will try and fix the problem. Thanks.

  • avatar

    Nuc: There is an auto-save feature which saves your progress every morning. You do need cookies enabled for this to work though.

  • avatar

    The game needs some sort of Save function. It just crashed on me when I was about to enter the Hotel and I had to start over. Don`t know if it`s just me but there was some sort of glitch in the music, I kept hearing a click every other second or so, a bit annoying but nothing major.

    Besides that I really like this game but will await a Save function since it takes some time to play and having to start over was really annoying. Keep up the good work Arnii.

  • avatar

    Thanks for being so keen on the thoughts of the fans and viewers Arni. What I want you to hear is that the end of the game, even if you intended it to be the cinema scene did not feel like such to me.

    The end for me was the build up to the final consensual scene with Lucy as that is where the story tied up the aphrodisiac variable, her horniness, and virginity. I totally want you to make a living and so I understand the supply the story to build a demand for the scene and additional content. Though as a consumer enjoying the ride it just felt like the final conclusion to the story and final sex scene were at odds. I think having paid content starting with the sexcapades of Hannah and Lucy after the final monogamous scene would have been the way to go.

    In my humble opinion, no matter what, you can`t make all of us fans happy, though one of the challenges for a game designer and story author seems to be having the rising action and climax in sync with the reader/player experience as that is what creates a feeling of resolution not only for the story/content, but interest for add on pay content and future work. GL!

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    Civil: thanks again, this feedback is genuinely really useful. If you are interested, could you register on my forum (this is free) as I would like to discuss this further.

  • avatar

    I have no text in the dialog boxes. Am I doing something wrong?

  • avatar

    Nice looking new game, liked it.

  • avatar

    Nice game. Good also the translations (usually are not so good).

  • avatar

    Nice game, cool graphic 😉

  • avatar

    Story and gameplay are great, graphics and animation should be improved. Hannah and Lucy are both nice looking girls. The only thing difficult was poker and the part where you have to look for hidden spots ( some extra time or some hints would not hurt).

  • avatar

    I have no text in the dialog boxes. Please help

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