Aunt`s house
Game rating
Comments (173)
good game….makeing me horny…good cartoon style
t was different but awesome i liked it
Interesting art style for sure
Good game with interesting graphics. Very dirty girls!
Awesome gameplay fantastic grpahics very hot girlsrnrn
Unique game. Loved the artwork. More from you, please!!!!
I like the comic book style of the graphics. The story is interesting. I wish to know the outcome of it all. 😉
The comic style was excellent, but a few of the games were a bit tough. Sort of slowed down the sexual aspects.
Like the artwork. Needs more sex!rn
I like the comic style different just needs more to the game
love the game great graphics wish it little longer
kinda old this has been out for months when r they going to continue
nice game good history and dramarn
The comic style was really cool. Needs to be longer.
this game surprised me, better than it looked
Nice game, too bad that I can`t enjoy the sexscenes, because the puzzles are very distracting
interesting game, short though. Could use a little polishing and more content.
interesting game needs a little more content
This is just a comic strip with a few minigames in it. Like three in a row.rn
It was very smart , but a little bit difficult at the point that you have to activate the spell. My hand got tired but i succeeded!
very interesting game. wish it was longer
Interesting game please more
just as amazing as in tthis pagern
sadly I stuck at the first sex scene, because I can`t combine more symbols to three or more and there is no way out of this scene. :(rnrnbut the graphics are very good 🙂
Fun game. I love the art style. Need more games with this art choice
nice and steamy game play. erotic too.
Enjoyed the game, liked that they included some animations for the H-scenes, contrary to the comic theme. This should be a good foundation to try a second-bigger-game with the same style; most of us want more options and non-linear gameplay.
saw such a game for the fist timern
It`s a comic with some minigames added to it. Not really my thing, but not terrible either.
It is a very interesting game with very good graphics and game play style
was ok, good game, good story, nice ilustration
really enjoyed the game, a bit linear and could do with being a bit longer.. more more more!rn
The game is very interesting for play, but is short.
this one is truly exceptional. simple yet entertaining. the sex scene could be longer though
good art graphics, very different game. Enjoy
its a good game.. good to have a little fun
Not sure but there is something about that Kerl chick…nasty hot!
I would not consider this a game to me it is more of a comic or visual novel. It isn`t my cup of tea. Ive played orse and ive played better. I do really dig the art style though.
Can anyone help to play the game , kind lost here.
Very unique game! The drawing was interesting, but good. I like that it was a different option.
Fun graphics. A bit too linear.rn
I thing this game is very funy comix
SImple game, but good picturesrn
love the drawings and story
really like this style of drawing
Of course this is not a game. It`s a comic book, but a good comic. I`d like to read some more of the same ))).
this is another one that I do not consider a game but a click thru story, the graphics are different and interesting
i was hoping for more. but good drawingsrn
I loved it! Shame it is too short! A longer version would be amazing!
Nice comics to bad it was such a short game, lacked more option and challenges!